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Switch Panel

I did a search on this and found some useful information, but most of the images were gone so I need to ask.

I am going to be doing some electrical work in my 98 sport, and i will be installing some switches. I don't really want to hack into panels and install separate switches, i really want to find a switch panel that i can install in the side of the center consol, up front, on the drivers side, as close to the front of the consol as possible. The resoning is incase i ever end up selling my X, a switch panel will look much better mounted in the consol versus just a bunch of switches mounted. Any help would be appreciated.

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You could get something like this and mount the switches where the clock face is. Then 3M tape it to the side of the console running the wires out the back and under the center console. That way it is clean and stock looking and still nonperminant.


I have the console out of a 95 and I put all my switches in the ash tray. I made my own face plate that rested where the tray did and used low profile switches from Radio Shack. I think it's cool because they're only visible when you need them. Very 007.

I'm not to concerned with it being permanent, as long as it looks good. If i had an ashtray that would be great, but in 98 there isn't one. I was even thinking of trying to make a panel myself, but still wouldn't look that professional. I want it to look like it was supposed to be there.

Something like this:

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  • switches.jpg
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The accelerator.

zensius, i thought i was the only one that had ash tray switches :D Dead Link Removed

Here's my switches. Stirred, not shaken. And slightly out of focus no less.


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Sorry for being half off-topic, but it's about an ash tray at least. I put a radar detector in mine. Very 007. As for light swiches, I just saw at AutoZone a 4 switch touch panel setup for about $30.00. It is a thin 2"x2" back-lit membrane switch that controls up to 4 circuits. It has a box that mounts out of sight that has the actual connections. Nice and clean install.

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ah, yours look better than mine....oh well, theyre always hidden anyway :p

doesnt the radar detector work better if they are at a higher location? isnt that why people mount them on their windshield?

Originally posted by jssong
doesnt the radar detector work better if they are at a higher location? isnt that why people mount them on their windshield?

Yes, usually. But mine is a remote radar detector. It has a radar unit mounted behind the grille, and two laser units, one on the windsheild and one in the back. The unit in the ash tray is only the display unit.

Originally posted by DocVijay
Sorry for being half off-topic, but it's about an ash tray at least. I put a radar detector in mine. Very 007. As for light swiches, I just saw at AutoZone a 4 switch touch panel setup for about $30.00. It is a thin 2"x2" back-lit membrane switch that controls up to 4 circuits. It has a box that mounts out of sight that has the actual connections. Nice and clean install.

Went to AutoZone this afternoon and saw this switch, it's pretty nice, but just not sure about the reliability. Trying to decide if i should try it, or just make a custom panel myself. I already have the plan ready, just need to get the tools and parts.

Thinking of doing a 6 switch panel out of sheet metal and mount it to the front bottom part of the center consol. It's permanent, but will look like it's supposed to be there.

Hidden Radar

So what brand of unit is it that you can hide like that?

Re: Hidden Radar

Originally posted by Brian97V8
So what brand of unit is it that you can hide like that?

BEL Vector LR Remote. Might be hard to find, not sure if they still make it.

if you get car and driver magizine...

in the most recent issue they were doing an update on the m3 (i think) that they have and told about this detector similar to that that they have on the car.

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Originally posted by mattadams
I mounted mine in my overhead console, but htats in an F-150 and I know not all Explorers have overhead consoles. Check out http://www.mattstruck.com/f150lights.html

I didn't think about putting them in the overhead consol. I have one, but i use it for my opener, but i could just strengthen the velcro so i can open it to hit the switches.
