Sync USB Music Issues | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sync USB Music Issues


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September 26, 2019
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2020 Explorer ST
I recently purchased a 2020 Ford Explorer and I am having difficulties in using the Sync System to index my music collection via USB. Looks like lots of latency when indexing anything more than a few dozen songs.

USB Size: 256GB/PNY 3.0/Backward compatible to 2.0

Number of Songs: 11724 (in this example – also got it to fail with only 500 songs)

Format of Drive: exFAT

SYNC Version 3.4

See attached PDF for screen shots

Anyone else having issues ?


  • sync-issue.pdf
    1.1 MB · Views: 390

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Welcome to the Forum.:wave:


Make sure your metadata is accurate since that is a part of the indexing process and maybe try a smaller sized USB.

Hmm, don't recall ever seeing this, but I haven't run much with the portrait display. 11,000+ songs will take a while to index for sure. Do you see the indexing complete transient message pop down when it finishes? Is this while driving or parked that you have to go through this roundabout way to get to the browse screen? Can you access the browse screens by voice?

Funny thing is the same collection I am able to index and use with no issues on by 2010 Ford Shelby with the SYNC 2 system. Never had an issue with the metadata. As far as seeing the message with the indexing has completed - I saw it one time. Music still not indexed properly. I've tried with as little as 100 songs and still have issues in displaying all songs and navigation (tried the soft and hard resets but no luck). Have resorted to using the phone for navigation of music.

Tried smaller drives as well 32GB, 64GB both with 100 songs with exFAT formatting.

This behavior of not being able to list songs > 100 not only occurs with USB but ALSO occurs with a Bluetooth source.

Driving, or idling in the driveway? Driving it's going to be limited.

Doesnt make any difference driving or idling. List of songs via Bluetooth or usb will not render.

Doesnt make any difference driving or idling. List of songs via Bluetooth or usb will not render.

I'll check the latest release this week if I get a chance. If it's a bug, it might be fixed already.

Thanks. So as far as content and directory hierarchies - all music is in folders - not in a root directory - I’ve read so info on other ford forums and there is discussion on creating playlists per directory. Any insight?

Thanks. So as far as content and directory hierarchies - all music is in folders - not in a root directory - I’ve read so info on other ford forums and there is discussion on creating playlists per directory. Any insight?

No need IMO. You certainly can make whatever playlists you want though. I have 7-800 songs on a test drive, some is in folders, some at root, etc. I've not run into any issues that I can remember while browsing (8" screen) unless the drive is indexing, etc.

Strange this is that the behavior is the same with a Bluetooth music source. If list is large then there appears to be a bug in rendering the list.

Some updates and observations with the Sync System in my 2020 Explorer ST with Tech Package to get USB music operational:
- 256MB SanDisk USB 3.0 formatted as exFAT.
- I cleaned up the MP3 metadata with Mp3tag (note that the Metadata did NOT trip up the Sync 2 system in my other vehicle but will trip up the Sync 3 system).
- Latest software on SYNC system.
- Voice navigation of USB device available on 10K song device available after 2 mins of vehicle start.
- Touchscreen navigation of USB device available on 10K song device available after 6 mins of vehicle start.
- See some screen shots below - hopefully this helps someone out down the line.


  • sync-fix.pdf
    1.6 MB · Views: 381

Browsing via touch screen *should* be available first. It'll index the files, then switch from the file browse look to the categorized Albums, Artists, etc. (at least it has for me). Once index is done, then it kicks off voice to build all of the commands. That can take a few minutes like you saw if you have a large media database.

That playlist is empty pop up can also show if you play or browse an album with 1 song only, just FYI. Might have to do with how Media builds a playlist from what's available. I had some other cases of that pop up being thrown improperly fixed, but there are still some specific use case ones lingering.

Browsing via touch screen *should* be available first. It'll index the files, then switch from the file browse look to the categorized Albums, Artists, etc. (at least it has for me). Once index is done, then it kicks off voice to build all of the commands. That can take a few minutes like you saw if you have a large media database.

That playlist is empty pop up can also show if you play or browse an album with 1 song only, just FYI. Might have to do with how Media builds a playlist from what's available. I had some other cases of that pop up being thrown improperly fixed, but there are still some specific use case ones lingering.

Speaking about Browsing from the touchscreen, coming from Gen 2, I've noticed now that Browsing on the screen is limited while in motion. Namely, all of my files are in the Explore section and to get to that you need to go to New Search which is greyed when moving. Voice commands for browsing do not allow to browse "Explore". Would love to see that added.

Speaking about Browsing from the touchscreen, coming from Gen 2, I've noticed now that Browsing on the screen is limited while in motion. Namely, all of my files are in the Explore section and to get to that you need to go to New Search which is greyed when moving. Voice commands for browsing do not allow to browse "Explore". Would love to see that added.

All of it? It sounds like it didn't index. Usually it's like that while it's indexing, then it's all categorized into the Artists, Albums, etc. Did it index the device? Do you have all the files tagged?

All of it? It sounds like it didn't index. Usually it's like that while it's indexing, then it's all categorized into the Artists, Albums, etc. Did it index the device? Do you have all the files tagged?

It seems to be indexing fine but I think it's something I am doing wrong. I created folders on the USB ( e.g. Classic Rock, Motown, etc) and in those folders are either subfolders or files. To play the folder I go to Explore Device and select a folder and Play All (usually randomly). If I want to play another folder I have to go to New Search, Explore Device again (which is greyed while moving in Gen 3) and select another folder. There is no Voice Command to "Browse" or "Play" Folder x...

Maybe I need to create a Playlist out of these Folders to accomplish what I want to do. That seems like a bit hassle.

It seems to be indexing fine but I think it's something I am doing wrong. I created folders on the USB ( e.g. Classic Rock, Motown, etc) and in those folders are either subfolders or files. To play the folder I go to Explore Device and select a folder and Play All (usually randomly). If I want to play another folder I have to go to New Search, Explore Device again (which is greyed while moving in Gen 3) and select another folder. There is no Voice Command to "Browse" or "Play" Folder x...

Maybe I need to create a Playlist out of these Folders to accomplish what I want to do. That seems like a bit hassle.

Take a photo of the browse screen next time you're parked.

*Edit* Removed my poor memory comment. The Explore option is always there, I was thinking the initial period where browse show the files names prior to enabling the main Artists/Albums, etc. when it's fully indexed.

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Here they are. Note The Explore UI never goes away but I did notice that when I select any of the choices (Artist, Album, etc.) I get a "Browsing Currently Unavailable" screen so you might be on to something.


