Sync V3.0 to V3.4 Upgrade | Page 8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sync V3.0 to V3.4 Upgrade

What did you do to update?

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Used cyanupdate. Will try manually placing files.

That's what I did. Just used the file structure from the last update, replaced the files, and adjusted the autoinstall.lst.

That's what I did. Just used the file structure from the last update, replaced the files, and adjusted the autoinstall.lst.
Nope that didnt work. Guess im stuck on 20136 WTF

I'll post a screenshot later on what I did. It took me two times to get it right.

I'll post a screenshot later on what I did. It took me two times to get it right.
I have the "famous" mem_erro3 issue

For some reason cant update from 20136 to 20196. Tried 2 different usb's Keep getting update error.
You have 2 downgrade to older build, the update to 20196, i had to do the same

I am now finally on latest. I think what happened is the 1st time i tried updating, i turned truck off thinking it was done. It must have had partially filled up memory, not allowing another install. I went Back to 3.3, which i believe reformats. I then successfully updated to 20196

That’s good news.

How’s your Sirius? Do you have anything in the graphic on the right?

That’s good news.

How’s your Sirius? Do you have anything in the graphic kn the right?
Nope still no icons unfortunately

It is new. Separate from your icon issue. It is on every source now (I think). Have a music note on AM radio. Same on SiriusXM.

It is new. Separate from your icon issue. It is on every source now (I think). Have a music note on AM radio. Same on SiriusXM.
Oh, yes I have that.

I have used Cyanlabs to go from 3.0 to 3.4. Version 19200.
Then to 19274 (USB Bug), downgrade to 19101, update to 20136 (sucks), back to 19101 then to 20196 (has safety lockouts) went back to 19101 and now back again to 20196 (found workaround) and everything still works fine.
When using CyanLabs do you check all the files or are there certain ones you don't compile? I'm just worried about somehow flashing the APIM.

I use the Sync3Updater program. Without installing new maps, it is only three files and takes 10 minutes to update.
I keep one USB stick with 19101 around in case new maps are available. To do the map update you need to downgrade. To change just the program files you can go from any version to any other.


I may be wrong but I believe that 20136 is the latest 'officially' released update.


So I'm on 3.0.17276 with NAV, can I upgrade straight to 3.4.20196 with 1.19 maps or is there something extra I have to do?

I see a lot of people upgrading to 3.4.19101 with 1.19 maps first then updating to 20196 through autoinstall without reformatting? Seems like extra work if I can just go straight to 20196 with 1.19?

FYI, version 3.4 was not released for the 5th gen Explorers. It is installed in the 2020 models. As has been mentioned, upgrading to 3.4 will void your APIM warranty if it is still in effect as it would be considered an unauthorized software change. Map version 1.19 is an upgrade requiring a download to a USB first. Takes about 90 minutes to install in the vehicle if you have 3.4. Many have made the change and it seems to be better than 3.0 going by some of the posts here. I have yet to install the map upgrade as I don't want my vehicle idling for such a long period. I have it downloaded and waiting for an extended trip in order to install it. All the best. Let us know how it goes.


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So I'm on 3.0.17276 with NAV, can I upgrade straight to 3.4.20196 with 1.19 maps or is there something extra I have to do?

I see a lot of people upgrading to 3.4.19101 with 1.19 maps first then updating to 20196 through autoinstall without reformatting? Seems like extra work if I can just go straight to 20196 with 1.19?

Yes, you can go straight to 20196 with the 1.19 maps.
You only need to go to 19101 if you have 19274 or higher and need to update the maps. I.e. If you have 20136 and 1.18 maps you need to flash 19101 and then 20196 with 1.19. You can't update maps in 19274 or higher.

