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T-case swap question


Elite Explorer
May 30, 1999
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2015 FPIU
Got a question regarding a swap of the t-case. Currently I'm running a 5 speed manual transmission - electric shift t-case. I'm about to replace the t-case with a manual version. T-case that I bought came without the shifter and linkage which parts I just picked up at a local bone yard but - - - and that's where the main issue is. I did buy linkage and shifter off a truck that had an automatic transmission... will I have any problems installing this shifter? is there any difference in the linkage between version working with an auto and manual tranny??? I might be missing something.

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Auto and manual are both the same, same floor plate just one more hole it it for the tranny shifter.

from what I have seen the linkage is different, because of the side of the trannies being different, if this is true and you need to sell that linakge and get the manual one, I will buy the auto linkage

I'll keep it in mind... first I have to take carpeting out, open access panel and check.

The shifter I used in my X was from a Ranger with a manual tranny (my X is an auto). It bolted right in with no problems. I don't see why it wont work the other way.

offroader_69_me said:
from what I have seen the linkage is different, because of the side of the trannies being different, if this is true and you need to sell that linakge and get the manual one, I will buy the auto linkage

Where did you get this information??? :roll:

I think you just need to put the shifter up to your transmission and see what modifications, if any, you need to make. :thumbsup:

PS - House cleaning: Ive moved this thread to the Transmissions and Transfer Case section ... not to be confused with Section525 ;)

it all sounds a lot better now. Taking it apart tomorrow... since I'm gonna pick-up that t-case on monday I'll have to check it first, see if I need to rebuild or just install it. Will update...

offroader_69_me said:
from what I have seen the linkage is different, because of the side of the trannies being different, if this is true and you need to sell that linakge and get the manual one, I will buy the auto linkage

proven wrong by MRBoyle
