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Tattoo idea

Its wierd that this thread came up. I actually just got my first tat yesterday. I put a lot of thought into mine and had it customed drawn. I would definitaly suggest asking around your city/town for the best artist. I got mine from the best artist in town, and I absolutely nothing bad to say. Also keep in mind that it hurts. A lot. And the bigger it is, the worse it will hurt.

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So if i like Explorers now, and 10 years from now probably look back and say what the hell was i thinking? Hehe

Id personally never get a tattoo, i know people who have them/getting them and i just wonder how there gonna feel about their choices later when they get old and wrinkly and the tattoo doesnt look much more then a bunch of blobs...

Brandons said:
Id personally never get a tattoo, i know people who have them/getting them and i just wonder how there gonna feel about their choices later when they get old and wrinkly and the tattoo doesnt look much more then a bunch of blobs...
I agree. At least i feel this way now. I will probably never get a tattoo it just....well seems stupid to me.

My only advice it to put it where it cannot be seen with a tee shirt or short sleeve shirt on. Just muscle shirt or roll up sleeve exposure. When applying for jobs they do look at them also you may regret where it is placed or what the tattoo says or looks like when you get older.
Remember, all tattoos fade and look like $hit years later and you may not want to cover it with a new one later in life.

I've got two, and they both took me almost 4 years of deciding on what to get. Take your time, and think on it for a little while. Chances are you WILL change your mind.

old mechanic said:
My only advice it to put it where it cannot be seen with a tee shirt or short sleeve shirt on. Just muscle shirt or roll up sleeve exposure. When applying for jobs they do look at them also you may regret where it is placed or what the tattoo says or looks like when you get older.
Remember, all tattoos fade and look like $hit years later and you may not want to cover it with a new one later in life.

old mech here has a good point on placement. Hide them ;) for the sake of employment at a decent establishment other than the local bar.Two of mine are on my inner forearms, and it is interesting to see how some people negatively judge me for them, Though they are well rendered, and I am quite sure that very few people understand the symbolism. I typically just roll my sleeves half way up my forearm and they are hidden. In the future I will not go that low again. My others are all up under my shirt. And are covered by all but the really open cut tank tops. All in all I don't give a **** what people think of me, but with something you will carry for the rest of your life I suggest that you consider others reactions for a moment or two while picking the placement.
