Testament to the old stuff!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Testament to the old stuff!!

Gadget X

Elite Explorer
March 13, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Gibsonville, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT 5-speed
Just thinking about how durable and "forgiving" the older vehicles are. My 94 has a little over 550k on the clock. Steering pump and gear are original, never been touched. Last week, came out to find that my pitman arm seal on the gear had given up, dumping all the fluid on the ground! Happened to have a quart of steering fluid, so I dumped it in to see if I could make it home. Needless to say, I made it about 3 of the 25 miles I was going before the power steering was empty again.... Drive the remaining 22 miles home with no power steering... (it sucked) Got home and pulled the cap off the pump reservoir, and there was smoke coming out of it!! Ordered a new pump and a seal kit for the gear box from rockauto.
Due to a shipping issue, the pump didn't come in, so I went ahead and did the pitman arm seal, because I had to have it back on the road ASAP. Long story short, when I got done and filled it up (with type F fluid), it worked just as smoothly and just as quietly as it did to start with!! I figured that I would have done some damage to the pump running it dry as long as I did, but it seems to be unaffected by the abuse!! Just goes to show how forgiving a lot of the components used to be when they were still made in the USA!!

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Just thinking about how durable and "forgiving" the older vehicles are. My 94 has a little over 550k on the clock. Steering pump and gear are original, never been touched. Last week, came out to find that my pitman arm seal on the gear had given up, dumping all the fluid on the ground! Happened to have a quart of steering fluid, so I dumped it in to see if I could make it home. Needless to say, I made it about 3 of the 25 miles I was going before the power steering was empty again.... Drive the remaining 22 miles home with no power steering... (it sucked) Got home and pulled the cap off the pump reservoir, and there was smoke coming out of it!! Ordered a new pump and a seal kit for the gear box from rockauto.
Due to a shipping issue, the pump didn't come in, so I went ahead and did the pitman arm seal, because I had to have it back on the road ASAP. Long story short, when I got done and filled it up (with type F fluid), it worked just as smoothly and just as quietly as it did to start with!! I figured that I would have done some damage to the pump running it dry as long as I did, but it seems to be unaffected by the abuse!! Just goes to show how forgiving a lot of the components used to be when they were still made in the USA!!
must say, they dont make em like they used to! wish they still did! these things just keep going and going! counting up the miles probably close to 330k on my stock sohc 5r55e, basically stock everything. only internal part ever changed on mine was the primary guide and tensioner 20k ago. (not 100% sure on mileage, as odo stops when hot, so its a guesstimate)

Yeah, they sure don't make em like they used to!! People are always shocked when I tell them that even the engine is all original only thing I've ever had to do (other than the 5-speed swap) is the lower intake gasket about 14 years ago! Everything else is all original. I know a lot of people with much newer vehicles that have had to do a lot more work!

My daily drivers have wing windows
By choice! I drive a 1988 Bronco II and a 97 F350
I beat the snot out of them daily and I do mean beat. We live on a 4wd road :)
When the factory steering gear box does give up consider a Red head steering gear box for the replacement, one of the single best updates I have done to my 88

Thanks for sharing, Gen I = TANK

Never had to look for a steering gear before, so I haven't heard of red head. Are they a more durable build quality than factory? For less than $300, seems like a bargain, if so!

Never had to look for a steering gear before, so I haven't heard of red head. Are they a more durable build quality than factory? For less than $300, seems like a bargain, if so!
iirc they help with the slop that develops over time, not sure about durability, as I dont own one 😅

I must be one of the lucky ones! Only time I had any steering slop was when my drag link joint took a crap on me! Had a quarter turn of slop for the ride home that day!😳

Never had to look for a steering gear before, so I haven't heard of red head. Are they a more durable build quality than factory? For less than $300, seems like a bargain, if so!
I’ve had my X for 24 years. The red head steering gear is one of the top modifications I’ve ever made.

Redhead is the way to go. I replaced my steering gear box a few years ago and it's solid.

I used a leaky OEM unit out of a donor Explorer for a core, because the old stuff is better. It was from Ohio and I had to cut the pitman arm off it was so rusted on there.

The factory ford box has a defect and it can develop slip over time, red head machines their boxes to remove the defect
20’years if trying to get tight responsive steering in my custom bii the red head finally made it a reality

I will definitely add red head to my list of "stuff to get someday"! So far, other than replacing the pitman arm seal the other day, my factory gearbox has worked flawlessly for almost 560k! (Knock on wood!)
