The Big Run: Truckhaven Oct. 23-24th 2010 | Page 13 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The Big Run: Truckhaven Oct. 23-24th 2010

I hope there's not a lot of mud. I hate mud.

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I hope there's not a lot of mud. I hate mud.

Water goes away really quickly out there. Shouldn't be a problem as long as it's not raining the days we're out there. I hate mud too;)

I was just talking about down in the very low spots like where matt popped his bead last time

I was just talking about down in the very low spots like where matt popped his bead last time

I thought that was good.. It was a nice change.. Course 2 trips in a row makes it not a change now BUT no blowing dirt was really nice.


Got my shocks rebuilt today so i'm officially ready to head out!

And i just want to mention (again) that we need to have a night run friday night! I'm bringing my bro-in-law out and he's never been offroading (the real kind) and we're only staying till about noon on Saturday, so we need to get him acquainted with the notches, washes, hillclimbs, and everything truckhaven has to offer. Is that cool with everyone?

Well guys, looks like I'm out. I've tried everything I can to get out there, but the wife is pregnant and her hormones said I can't come out and play. The baby is due in December, so hopefully I can make next year. I was really looking forward to meeting all of you too.

...Sorry to hear that but, we do have another run or two in Jan-Feb...;)

...It doesn't look like there will be anybody wanting to go on the "Not so big dogs" run...Due to this weather causing lack of work and funds which leaves me short on completing the last of the Rangers mods, I may just take my X out there and pray the welded Superlift RA holds up...:confused:

...Sorry to hear that but, we do have another run or two in Jan-Feb...;)

...It doesn't look like there will be anybody wanting to go on the "Not so big dogs" run...Due to this weather causing lack of work and funds which leaves me short on completing the last of the Rangers mods, I may just take my X out there and pray the welded Superlift RA holds up...:confused:

There will be a few rolling hotels there. Doesn't one of them have a welder too? If not, I can toss my miller 135 in the Van, as long as we can use one of their generators.


...I believe Zukman will have the only land yacht this trip and Rick has his camper, thats it for luxury rigs this trip...BKennedy is the only one I know that usually does bring a welder...:dunno:

...If I knew there was a welder on sight this thing probably won't break...But it sure would be handy if there was one out there...:D

...We can still do a "Not so Big Dog" run for those who want to get to know the area first or get to know there capabilities of their truck...:dunno:..

...If we have a few chime in it will still happen..;)

Add one more truck to this trip,I am going to make it there.By the way haven't seen anyone mention firewood it getting cold at night.


...Hey Dave...I may head out Friday about 10 am...What's your plan and are you bringing your cook's again too?

You SOCAL weenies. Rain makes it fun.

not sure yet on what time I can leave,cook will be there Sat.morning

I'll be there Saturday morning, and I'm just there for the day. :(

...If I knew there was a welder on sight this thing probably won't break...But it sure would be handy if there was one out there...:D

I carry one in the pumpkin for on trail repairs.


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