The most mind-blowing 8 min video I have ever watched | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The most mind-blowing 8 min video I have ever watched


Moderator Emeritus
August 4, 2003
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SW Florida
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1999 Expedition XLT 4x4

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Collecting donations for a spaceship now......That was cool with a good pair of headphones. I wana see that in IMAX!

To be honest, I thought I'd watch 30 seconds of this and move on to something else. Needless to say, I watched the whole thing. I missed my calling as an astronaut.

That was very cool. What gets me is that we haven't seen anything like that prior to the END of the shuttle missions:( Another thing we saw very little of and when we did see it it was very late in the mission cycle was video taken from inside the shuttle during re-entry.

Yes it is a shame more of this is not available. But damn that is cool, leaving the atmosphere, then the re-entry. The Shuttle reached over 2400 mph before seperation, and the cells after seperation maintain that speed until it re-entered into our atmosphere. The sounds the cells made and the debris field while floating was way cool too.

It was an awesome sight for sure. Hell of a ride:D

Too bad we have been strangling our space program to death for the last 30 years.

Collecting donations for a spaceship now......

All you need is $200,000 and you can hop a ride on this bad boy:D


That was cool for sure.
Went to the Johnson Space Flight center 2 years ago and took the tour to see the absolute monstrous Saturn V rocket which they have displayed laying horizontal.
It's not a model but the real deal. Just amazing stuff.

That's pretty awesome, but slightly nauseating IMO (with all the spinning about and stuff starts dropping off). The crash into the water was my favorite part.

If anyone else was wondering - I clocked 0-60 at about 6 seconds.

If anyone else was wondering - I clocked 0-60 at about 6 seconds.

Freaking slowass Space Shuttles. :D I bet my car can beat it in a 1/4 mile dragrace. lol

In all seriousness that is an amazing video and makes me want to resume the planning for my personal "Project Icarus" project.

I want a big screen and some sub woofers RIGHT NOW.
