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The Samurai

Its been slow going but das VW diesel engine is almost ready to fire

Just a few more electrical wires to run (glow plugs, etc...)



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Dang... it looks factory:eek:

Yea, I'm debating..

16v/1600, or VW 1.6TD, or 1.9TD, or 1.9TDI

Tom, if you get the TDI get something later than 2000. In 2001 they made changes which extended the interval between timing belt replacements. Hopefully they also fixed the problems with their MAFs. If not just remember that you can use a MAF from a 2.0 gas motor and it only costs $50 compared to the $250 that the "correct" MAF costs:eek:

There is a Sami for sale near me which looks like a brand new rig... It would make a great "toad" for someone with a motorhome.

Tom, if you get the TDI get something later than 2000. In 2001 they made changes which extended the interval between timing belt replacements. Hopefully they also fixed the problems with their MAFs. If not just remember that you can use a MAF from a 2.0 gas motor and it only costs $50 compared to the $250 that the "correct" MAF costs:eek:

There is a Sami for sale near me which looks like a brand new rig... It would make a great "toad" for someone with a motorhome.

I'm told the electronics for the newer TDI's are a PITA.. Right now, it's all pie-in-the-sky.

Engine started today!!



now with is something else gonna fire around here squirt? ;)

What is up with that positive battery terminal?

That's just plain badass, nice work guys!!

Jeff - :navajo:

That's just plain badass, nice work guys!!
I wish I could take credit but I was not part of it, it was all him.

If all goes well, we should be showing up for the Big Bear run :).

Yeah that Squirt.
Its using the stock box -- which I dont think there's much to it, just an injector controller and a glow plug timer.

what size engine is that nvm its a 1.6 diesel engine. It sounds awesome i like it a lot

'99 Civic Seats


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Will we see this at t-haven next month?:D

Any SVO/biodiesel plans in the future?
Ooof careful there, you're starting to sound like a green, tree hugging liberal :p: - kidding! No plans for SVO/bio yet, but you never know what the future holds!

Will we see this at t-haven next month?:D
Not sure, I probably wont make it (work and school), but I'll tell my brother about the October run.

Ooof careful there, you're starting to sound like a green, tree hugging liberal :p: - kidding! No plans for SVO/bio yet, but you never know what the future holds!

Haha, I just like the smell of food coming from the tailpipe :D

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