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The Sirius lineup changed and - MFT works!


Explorer Addict
April 24, 2003
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20 XLT
On the morning the changes occurred, the first time I selected a channel by voice right after I started the Explorer, it went to the wrong place, but within about 5 minutes, everything was realigned.

So obviously at some point Ford updated the programming in MFT to read the Sirius channel lineup and update when changes were made. Anyone know which update that was made in?

It was nice not to have to deal with the changes via an MFT update.

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I don't believe it was an actual update to MFT but rather an update to Sirius. The channel I listen to (56) changed to 59 and that is what the 'preset' now shows. I didn't have to do anything myself to update the change. I have on rare occasions seen the quadrant title change from 'Entertainment' to 'updating'. I'm sure that there is likely some sort on interface between the two systems.


Unless MFT works differently than any other Sirius receiver the actual update is done over the air by Sirius. The receiver has to be on during a programming download. If you were to purchase a new Sirius receiver once activated in their system in a few minutes the receiver is turned on and the programming list is downloaded to it. With Ford anf MFT you never see this as you get a period of the service from Ford. If you let the free period expire the receiver will be disabled by Sirius not Ford.

MFT in the Sirius interface would update the display.

Its the same functionality as in your cable or satellite receiver box.

Previously, it required an MFT update to realign Sirius channels.

How to Fix Sirius / My Ford Touch Voice Commands

The MFT software has been updated at some point to accommodate this.

I believe it was with v2.11. That's where I started and only saw mention of what you're referring to. The Sirius/MFT update is where we got the delayed reboot program. I know that Sirius has done a channel realignment since I've had it, so if it wasn't v2.11 it was v3.02.

Unless MFT works differently than any other Sirius receiver the actual update is done over the air by Sirius.

Its the same functionality as in your cable or satellite receiver box.

It was different initially, not like your cable box. It got updated along the way.

Hey everyone!

I just want to confirm that SiriusXM sent a channel update via their satellites. You can check out more information on their site:



It was version 3.0.2. While we were in the 2.X versions, we had the downloadable channel lineup update; this is SiriusXM's second or third lineup change sent via satellite since version 3.0.2.


It was version 3.0.2. While we were in the 2.X versions, we had the downloadable channel lineup update; this is SiriusXM's second or third lineup change sent via satellite since version 3.0.2.

