Thermostat upgrade help FIXED | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Thermostat upgrade help FIXED


Elite Explorer
July 12, 2015
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1999 ford explorer sohc

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Donalds..... is that part you are looking at compatible with your 99? It looks like it is for later models.

I am tired of replacing the plastic ones also....

That's why I was asking I thinking it's the same housing but the sensors look different

But if they are the same sensors just connect differently hell yea

Seems like all of them are the clip in type

Also, be advised that the radiator hose outlet on the upper half is most likely at a different angle than on your '99. Others have stated this causes a poor fitment of the hose; thus, the recommendation of utilizing your existing upper half on the plastic housing updates. Not sure if this guy makes one angled exactly like on your '99.

It looks like it's the same top piece but if I have to I will reuse it
What I am really wondering about the sensors plugs being different

From what I can tell the sensors are the only difference
The angle of the outlet looks the same as mine
If anyone knows different
Let me know please

Old one

952_ULTRAPOWER DORMAN_902204_1__ra_m.jpg

Metal one


I seen the one with screw in sensors but the screw in one leak
Mine are leaking now

The clip in one's don't leak as easy
That's why I picked that one plus it's half the price

Threaded sensors in the stock PLASTIC thermostat housings are known to fracture and leak when loosened. As mentioned by XLTrunner above, the Austekk aluminum housing kit with unthreaded sensors will work but you will need to reuse the plastic upper because of the hose angle.

can't seem to thread sensor into lower thermostat housing

Quoted from eBay link in OP:
Aluminum Thermostat Housing Assembly Including Sensors. This is the dual "clip-in" style sensor lower housing, Upper housing is angled toward the passenger side of the vehicle, some other models are angled toward the front of the vehicle, please see application list. Explorer fitment up to build date 3/4/2002.


The push in sender/sensor are super easy to install and remove. There's a metal clip you pull out and they come right out. When installed you push the clip in and it locks them in place. An O-ring makes the seal.

So I ordered one the 2 piece one

Installed it didn't use the thermostat China crap or the lower housing bolts that came with it had no markings so I reused the ford ones
I rtv d the lower housing together let it sit for a day I also used a felpro lower gasket and upper
Installed it today

We shall see if it leaks

People told me the top would not fit so I had to try all I had to do was rotate the hose I little bit fit great



So, exactly which brand/part number did you go with?

Yep I just put coolant in now gonna burp and check for leaking in the next couple days
I can say it is a nice part I really like it

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HaHaHa, That's great!
We all know engine parts should not be plastic, I wonder if the OEM's are ever going to figure it out?
