Thinking of Selling My Ex...Looking for Opinions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Thinking of Selling My Ex...Looking for Opinions


Active Member
April 12, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Maryville, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 Sport
I'm thinking of getting rid of my Explorer. Some of you may be familiar with it, most probably aren't. I'm not a real frequent poster, but I think I've started and kept with a thread for most of the work I've done to my Explorer. I've tried to look for other Ex's similar to mine to figure out what it's worth, and I can't really find anything comparable for sale.

It's a black 94 Sport 2WD 5-speed.
Warrior shackles, 2" lift coils, Rancho shocks, Crager soft 8's, BFG AT 31x10.5's with 75% tread, swapped in a 3.73 LSD.
Recently built 4.0 OHV (I started a build thread). 95TM heads, 422 cam, headers, etc.
Original paint, but it looks awesome, I've never seen another 1st gen in person that looks as good.

Any idea what I might should ask for it? I'm planning on putting it on Craigslist, but if it's only worth $2000, I'll probably just keep it. I don't intend for this to be a for sale thread. Just looking for opinions on what you guys think I should try to sell it for.

Here's a couple pictures for good measure.



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The problem with selling cars like this is that there is not much of a market for customs. Most of the market for rigs like this comes from high school kids who do not have much of a budget or people looking to get into crawling. I suggest you look at the Kelley blue book value and go from there. Remember, you are probably not going to get back out what you have put into your car.

Go ahead and keep it. Its not worth selling it

I got my 4x2 for $1500, and my 4x4 for $200. They're not real expensive cars. I'd say try your luck and start it out at $2,000, maybe $2,500, and adjust the price as time goes.
Maybe put it up for trade for something else you want?

First Gen explorer just don't go for much. They are more like a truck which unfortunately doesn't help the resell value. They just look at it as a 14 year old american vehicle which means they don't expect it to last..

You will be hard pressed to get > $2k out of it even with it looking pretty.


nice lookin rig!
unfortunately i would say even with the great shape and motor, you probably wont get much more than $2000, $2500 would be lucky.

Agreed, $2k tops. It may be nice but they just aren't worth much. The 2x4 doesn't help either. It's a shame because it looks sharp, is probably pretty reliable at this point and fun to drive to boot.

Yea funny enough first gen explorers no matter what condition have to be the least expensive cars you can buy nowadays. I have a hard time finding them over 2k , and even if they are they basically aren't really worth it.

I would also skip blue book. Blue book claims my ex is worth 2,600 , even though it's probably only worth 800$.

insurance valuation on my '93 X - 5 speed manual is $400, selling mine has crossed my mind too, but its got 218k miles on it, i really think i would be hard pressed to get even 1,000 or 1500 from someone out of it, its almost better just to keep it, because whoever ends up with it in the end is gonna get the better deal, unless you can get 2,000 or 2500 out of it

part it out to us lol. :D

That's a thought. If I can get enough parts accounted for, I might be up for it.

Hate to do that though. It's been such a good truck.

if you do part it out, i might be interested in the heads and possibly cam. but cam would be a "B" to take out just to sell...

I would probably just keep it as well. If you want a new car, just save up for a little while, then you can use the X as a toy. I've thought about selling my '97 4x4 with <85k miles, but even though I could probably get more than you, I don't think it's worth it. She's still got plenty of life in her, and I'm planning on keeping ol' Snowball 'till she won't run anymore.

Once I graduate and get a job and stuff, I'll get a new car, but keep Snowball for hauling or just having some 4x4 fun. It'd be nice to just not really care if something gets ruined, you know? I mean, not that I don't CARE about it, but I know I have a daily driver, so if I break something, it's no biggie.

So yeah I would keep it. But that's just me.

if your up for it I'll take the schakles and coils along with the shocks. :D

I have a nice long shopping list if you really do part it out.

unless you really need the parking space or the money, i'd just keep it. why take the loss?
