Third Break Light blinks | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Third Break Light blinks

Matt Wheeler

New Member
September 7, 2005
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San Diego
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On the 98 explorer V8, what does it mean when the third break light blinks after it is shut off and locked up? It stays solid for about minute and then starts to blink. It just started this the other day. Thanks for reading this.

Matt Wheeler

welcome to the site... i have no idea, but here is a bump for you... i actually noticed this same issue on a 98 sport at the apartment complex my girl used to live at...... sometimes it blinked sometimes it didn't seems like an electrical gremlin if you ask me

I know that the later model third brake lights are different than the 94's, but mine would start blinking after I got out of the Ex' and it was not running. Turned out to be the brake switch under the dash.

the one i saw was a 98 sport as evidenced by the LEDs i know leds run on capacitors and such, so i wonder if there was an ellectrical problem with that
