Ticking noise from Intake Manifold 4.0L 2003 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ticking noise from Intake Manifold 4.0L 2003


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December 21, 2011
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2003 Ford Explorer
Hello all. I'm in desperate need of some help. 2003 4.0L Explorer.

There is a loud ticking coming from the intake manifold. It's not coming from the front of the engine. It's not inside the cylinder head. It gets louder and faster with higher RPM's. I've felt the front, back, sides of the engine, heads. I can clearly feel the ticking inside the intake manifold on the driver side of the engine. I clear all codes and then various misfire codes pop up.

Any idea what this could be from you Ford Experts? I've taken the intake manifold off and valve covers off and everything looks fine. Are there any moving parts inside the manifold??? No vaccuum leaks either. I'm stumped and I'm tired of taking this motor apart. TIA

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Front timing is my current same issue... getting quote today as a matter of fact.

My noise isn't coming from the front timing chain area. This is coming from the Intake Manifold area.


My noise isn't coming from the front timing chain area. This is coming from the Intake Manifold area.


And what do you think is causing that?

Oh... I was under the impression that if I had the timing chain issue, the noise would be coming from the front of the engine. So it's the same thing? Thanks for your help so far.

Oh... I was under the impression that if I had the timing chain issue, the noise would be coming from the front of the engine. So it's the same thing? Thanks for your help so far.

My belief is that the guides are allowing the chain to slacken and cause a bit of a timing issue -- symptoms of which we've witnessed. I will post back as soon as the replacement is completed! From what I've come to understand there is an updated kit because of this issue...

My belief is that the guides are allowing the chain to slacken and cause a bit of a timing issue -- symptoms of which we've witnessed. I will post back as soon as the replacement is completed! From what I've come to understand there is an updated kit because of this issue...

This was absolutely the issue... it's insane how much of a difference it made as well. JUST got home 15 minutes ago from picking up.

The timing chains and guides have nothing to do with the noise in my engine. Just got back from the dealer $500 lighter

The timing chains and guides have nothing to do with the noise in my engine. Just got back from the dealer $500 lighter

So what was the issue with your engine?

It was the $500 repair

So what was the issue with your engine?

He already said it was a $500 repair, doesn't that tell you exactly what they did? A dealership, must have just been an oil change. :D

And what do you think is causing that?
I have the same issue.the intake is broken inside. What could cause a runner to break loose. This engine has not back fired or been jumped in any way. This is the second time this has happened
