Timing Chain Tensioners | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Timing Chain Tensioners


Well-Known Member
January 4, 2013
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City, State
Jonestown, Pa.
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer XLT
Going to change out the timing chain tensioners on my 03 4.0l. Just wondering if anyone has any tips? I watched the few Youtube videos that were helpful but still wanted to ask here anyway. It seems that priming these before install is required? Are they harder to reinstall after priming being you cannot depress the spring any longer??

Is that rear tensioner a hard removal if anyone knows? How tight is the bolt and can I loosen it with a extension and breaker bar or try the air wrench???

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U can use a breaker bar
No impact wrench.
No prime ing
Before you start the car Unplug the Crankshaft position sensor
This will keep the engine from starting
now turn the engine with the starter to prime the tensioners
This is the factory method

Be sure to have a new washer gasket
35 foot pounds check for leaks and snug it up if needed
Remember this is an aluminum head Fragile threads
Very easy to cross threads here

This post is my opinion take it or leave it Good luck

U can use a breaker bar
No impact wrench.
No prime ing
Before you start the car Unplug the Crankshaft position sensor
This will keep the engine from starting
now turn the engine with the starter to prime the tensioners
This is the factory method

Be sure to have a new washer gasket
35 foot pounds check for leaks and snug it up if needed
Remember this is an aluminum head Fragile threads
Very easy to cross threads here

This post is my opinion take it or leave it Good luck
no priming? i primed mine... hmm... i elarn something new each day!!!

You do prime them when you crank the engine with the starter and the crank sensor unplugged
I suppose you can prime them the way you did but Either way there will still be an air bubble so it will rattle

thanks for the wisdom!!! i primed it in a small bowl, then put it in and cranked it over anyways, so guess i primed twice ;)
