Tis The Season...........To Play With Toys!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tis The Season...........To Play With Toys!!!


Explorer Addict
February 13, 2002
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Just a reminder to all that as the Winter/Cold season comes upon us............this is the perfect time to play with scale rigs!

Radio controlled rock crawlers and scale off-roaders have come a LONG WAY in the past couple of years, so if you ever interested in playing around in the past, you will really want to get involved now.

Axial has released the first "hobby grade" RC rock crawler:
This would be the first truly designed RC "out of the box" crawler ever produced, and a great beginner package. This kit can be purchased for about $230 from rpp hobbies. http://www.shop.rpphobby.com/product.sc?categoryId=64&productId=456

The HPI "Wheely King" is also another new kit on the market. This is sold as a RTR (ready to run) package right out of the box. It is created/sold as a monster truck, but with some simple/cheap modifications, can be easily transformed into a trail worthy rig. This can also be purchased from rpp hobbies for about $205 (RTR): http://www.shop.rpphobby.com/product.sc?categoryId=57&productId=454

I am not trying to spam RPP here in any way, and there are various other retailers with deals just as good.

At the end of the day, we are entering the age where almost anyone can get into hobby-grade RC crawling for about $200-500 out the door, with very little or no self-fabrication involved. This is a very different story from a couple of years ago, when RC crawling was a "very weird" genre of the industry, and 75%+ of a good rig required home fabrication, and when done, a good rig would cost $800+ out of pocket.

I am just trying to spark the interest here!! EF seems kinda dead in this area of RC.........................and I just want to kick that in the a$$ a little!! Let's get to talking about this a little. Peak your interest just a little, let me know or ask me a question.

RC crawling and trail riding really is a fun and exciting hobby!!! If I can help in any way, just let me know!!




And then there is all the other fun you can have with RC. This is a little winter project for myself. Basically a 1:6 scale Nascar rig, all home built. This should be complete around Spring '08.

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Ive been drooling all over pics of the scorpion for a while now. that thing looks insane

Glad to know im not the only rc guy here.

Here is my racetech pan car. 2 old bodies and one that is not cut out yet. Had it done for two years tho. lol



Robb, my TXT-1 is still sitting in the same condition...not together yet. :rolleyes:

That AX10 is something to look into. Maybe I'll sell the REVO and the TXT and get one of those. Good to see you on the board too. :chug:

Im no where near as active into the hobby as i wish i could be. not enough time or money i guess

i do have a clod buster and a boomerang, but both of wich are almost as old as i am, and they show their age

dont have a pic handy of the boomerang

the only thing i really run now is my dopey extended wheelbase 1/6th nylint

Wow, i didn't think a rock crawling RC would be that inexpensive. Those things are awesome and look like a lot of fun to play around with.

I remember when i first got into it i was sinking major money in my little car. I got a Traxxis truck to.

I miss RC'n I remember that clod buster that was fun when the axles wernt breaking or falling out,My buddy had one too his was insane with mod motors n all. I also had a black foot, a tamiya williams hond f1 car with a custom Austin Healy body on it, an rc12, and I still have an RC10 stadium truck sitting on the shelf collecting dust bought that like 14 years ago, never did get that dam clutch drive working right, now with all the advanced and new battery packs darn near double the mah of the ones I used Ill prob have to update all my electronics for it. but that will have to take a back seat since my money is going into the motor on my mustang at the moment. but this thread brings back some good memories. I was looking at some gas powered road racer's with nascar in mind though....hmmmmm

WOW Robb you've gone off the deep end with it, it looks like, I remember when you posted that thread about the Ford Ranger Home built rock crawler, sure wish I had bought that rig when it came up forsale, but if I remember right it had a hitch to the sale.

Either way looks like I may have to get Lori's T-Maxx outta the attic and get it going for her again, Yes Ben and Colin I won't drive it this time :rolleyes:

But I am glad to see this section finally getting a little more action in here again.

You know the two best things are being a parent and Christmas, it means you get to buy your kids a bunch of coolass toys and you get to play with them fist before they do, you know to check them out, to make sure they work and all ;):p:

Jeff - :navajo:

P.S. if anyone knows where I can find an old school Tamiya Toyota Hilux pickup, in stock form I would really like to know, THANX

if your interested in RC crawling this is the website to check out


I was into it for a while, I had a custom built TLT.


P.S. if anyone knows where I can find an old school Tamiya Toyota Hilux pickup, in stock form I would really like to know, THANX
Jeff, you may be in luck, if the straight-bed Tamiya version will suit you. If you have looked at the pricing of the original Tamiya 3-speed bodies these days, you know they aren't cheap..............and most are missing mirrors, headlight buckets, etc.


Tamiya just released the new Hi-Lift Hilux, which is just a Toyota body stuck on their F-350 Hi-Lift...................and ironically, isn't the same step-side body they stuck on the original Hilux 25 years ago.:confused: The cab is the same as the Hilux, but the bed is the same as the Mountaineer and Bruiser.

These things literally just became available within the past couple of weeks, so parts aren't really out yet. But I would think that before long, you will be able to pick up a new body at towerhobbies for a fair amount.


I've got a buddy thats way into the rockcrawling RC scene. Hes on RCCRAWLER and has built some nice rigs. I am just waiting for Jr.(hes 3 now) to get a little bigger and then I will break mine out. I have a Clod with aluminum frame and long arm kit, full BB, Novak ROOSTER(I know its old, but its in great shape), and dual servo, a Blackfoot with full BB and the old green motor(don't remember the name of them), a Tamiya Twin Dagger, with full BB, and twin INSANE(the pink)motors, a RC-10T with full BB, a Kyosho Big Boss, full BB, and painted to match my Ranger, and the Tamiya stadium S-10, full BB, no motor or elect. All have a electric speed controls(except the S-10). I will build a crawler from the clod when my son gets a little older, he already loves to go wheeling fullsize with me.......Heres one of the Clod and Twin Dagger.........

and one of the Big Boss.....

Wow, I shouldn't have looked at this thread. It is giving me too many ideas, like maybe I could use a few more:confused:

ahh geez this is gonna make me bust out my old RC-10GT again

man and i thought i already had an expensive hobby....pfft :D

and then i got this other truck i might wanna get it running too.

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