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Tool care

I thought I would write and see who is as fussy as me with tools- I have to clean them thoroughly after every project- even been known to dishwash my sockets and lube the sprung steel ball in the extensions with wd40!
I am not happy if I dont do this each time- the same goes for spanners and screw drivers!
I never but cheap tools as I like to have reliable tools.:)

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holey moley? really?

I just wipe off grease and put them away LOL and I am super organized tool guy!

I worked at a shop with a guy who used a sonic cleaner for his guns and TOOLS. It was a $10k setup he bought for $500 at an Army base closing auction several years back. He'd back his truck into the bay, then his toolboxes with overhead crane, return after the weekend with everything nice and shiney and oiled.

I do WD-40 the retention balls on the extesions, and also the watcheting wrenches (spanners), but I don't think the wife would go for the dishwasher thing. Wiped off with a rag is all they get, plus that thin layer of oil or grease keeps the rust down.

Ok it may be excessive then- but I paid loads for a socket set, measuring tools, pullers and slide hammers and some really good ratchet spanners- Tell you how strong the socket set is.........I was removing the bottom bolt from the rear shocks and one was solid stuck- so I put a socket on it and decided to use a trolley jack to free it thinking the cars weight would free the bolt- No it never---- instead the Explorer was lifted with all the weight on the socket, nothing broke and the socket set is still in perfect condition!!!!!
I was and am still amazed at that! case your wondering they are Teng tools-- This is my socket set,½-inches-drive-socket-set_2895_pd.asp

Not badly priced really and when you put pressure on them- you can bet they can take the heat.

I guess I am lucky in that the wife dont moan bout my dishwasher abuse!

I use Craftsman tools from Sears. I have only broken maybe two Craftsman sockets, plenty of cheapo's though. But with the Craftsman, if they do brake, I just take them in a get a new one. So in the past, I've taken maybe 2 sockets back, but since I overuse the 1/4" ratchets, I've had those replaced several times.

I know one guy that likes to use lithium grease on his bench vise. He has white grease all over the shaft, and keeps putting on new grease every time he uses it. I think it's a little obsessive, but I've never felt such a smooth vice like his. It takes almost no effort to adjust it. Another guy I know likes to baby his tools. He treats them like he's handling a new born baby. He's very gentle with them, and never forces his toolbox closed if it's not closing properly. He treats his car the same way. Tools are made to be used, and not meant to be displayed in a museum.

I agree- I just have a thing about picking up dirty oil covered tools first thing- If they get that way as I use them fine but they are always cleaned after the job same day!!!
Think I need some medication, suspect its an ailment of some sort......toolasitis majorclean or something!

I am a professional auto technician I polish my Snap-on and Craftsman tools sometimes, but I definately wipe them off before storing them away in the proper place. But the thing I am picky over is my toolbox. I clean it once a week or more and wax it once a season, just like my cars. Then again at $5000, it cost as much as a used car.

I usually just wipe my tools off before putting them away, if the job is especially dirty I might clean them with solvent or even soap and water in the kitchen. Sometimes they sit dirty on the work bench next to the tool box for a few days before I get to it.

oil the air tools before each daily use.
All hand tools wiped down with degreeser.
Sanding blocks as well.

I dont keep the tools as clean as I keep Zorro, but the tools are clean.

I do wipe tools down when I'm finished. Not really a big deal but it's a safety issue if tools are slippery. I don't get carried away with it, but I do like to avoid a big greasy mess.

I clean my tools with WD and brake cleaner, and handshop.
