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Tractor paint on ex

I helped a buddy paint two of his tractors this summer and loved the paint color on both of them one was a old International Harvester and the other was a ford cab tractor. We painted the IH IH red of course and the Ford with a New Holland blue, I went out and bought a can of IH red to see if I liked it but they didnt have a can of the NH blue I was going to have to order it. Im also going to bed coat the intire ex and then color over that any one had any experience with tractor paint on an ex. Im going to paint a panel on the x with both colors and post pics later on. Any info is greatly appreciated Thanks guys

Are you talking the cheap air dry enamel that you buy from your local Tractor Supply store (no catalist, just pour and paint) I paint derby cars with that crap. It will dull out after about a month in the sun and scratches very easily.

If you like the colour, take a sample to your local automotive paint supplier and they can match it. Your going to want either a urethane paint (comes in 2 or 3 components that have to mixed together before spraying) or Base/clear (first you spray the colour coat, then a clearcoat mixed the same as the before mentioned urethane, best for metalics and pearls). Being that you mentioned spraying it with Bed Coat first, I assume you doing some offroading with it, in which case I strongly suggest going with a Polyurethane (I use that stuff on Concrete trucks and Dump trucks, same as urethane but tough as nails)

As for spraying over 'Bed Coat' most of them can't be painted, check with who ever is going to spray it on for you, or if applying yourself check with the manufactorer first. Most of them can be tinted though, so if your going this route, have it tinted the colour you want, it will be cheaper and alot less headeaches in the long run.

Thanks for the info I talked to a few of my friends that paint cars and they told me the same thing. Im not wanting to make a show truck out of it but i dont want it to dull out or peal off either. So the tractor paint is out of the question now. I have be wanting to paint my x yellow though cause i dont know anyone around where im from that has one. Im going to college with a guy that used to work at Freight Liner and he knew one of the guys that painted up there and he said that he had about 10 gallons of penske yellow paint, I asked him to get me a sample of it so I can see if i like it or not.

For the bed liner its from duplicolor and its suposed to be paintable? I've got the passenger side fender off of it now cause im making a snorkel for it and its got about 2 coats of bed liner on it. Ima go out and paint it with the sample paint that i got and see how good it holds up to the bed liner and the cold weather?

Ive got most of the body work done on it i removed the molding and a couple dents in the lift gate but other than that im waiting on it to warm up a little bit before i do paint the entire thing.
