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Trailmaster lift


Well-Known Member
February 19, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Vallejo, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Sport
I know, I know, this horse has been beaten way past death, but I was desperately hoping someone had more info or an update on this lift. I anxiously thumb through the mags in the supermarket, but to no avail, not even a mention of it. I'm dying for just one morsel of hope that will keep me enthused to wait awhile longer. I know that someone mentioned that the lift would be available in Quarter 1, 2000, but the end of the quarter is just a month and a half away, with no lift in sight, or mention.

"Rick, our administrator, you're our only hope...shhht, Rick our administrator, your're our only hope...shhht" -sorry, I'm a big Star Wars Fan.

Anyways, someone, anyone please kick down some info. I think their number is listed on the site, so maybe I'll dial them up. But hopefully, someone will know something.

the R

Well, El Presidente told me that he would give me a "press release" outlining the "coming out" of the lift kit. I haven't seen it yet.

The last time he gave me a tentative date he said the end of March.

Rick Horwitz
