Transfer Case Rear Ouptut Shaft Wobble? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Transfer Case Rear Ouptut Shaft Wobble?


Active Member
October 31, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Ridgecrest, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 xl
So I got under the truck to see why my speedometer wasn't working and it was obvious. the cable had come out of the plastic housing. So I epoxied the cable back in there after pulling the housing out and making sure the gear was ok. which it was. However when I grabbed the drive shaft to slide out from under the truck i noticed the output shaft moves. The video sucks but it shows the wobble. Is this normal or is it about time to pull the t-Case???:(
You have to click on the photo to see the video...

I had a similar issue in my '94. Turns out the nut holding the output flange into place had backed off and was allowing the flange to wobble. Put some loctite on the nut and re-installed it and the problem went away.
