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Transmission fluid question


December 28, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Linthicum Heights, Maryland
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT
I received this quote from a well known Transmission shop in my area:

"Yes, you have a drain plu in your convertor. If we use a Mercon fluid, flush is about $150-175. If we use a better fluid to reduce convertor chatter, cost of flush is $250-275. "

I have had them service my vehicle before, but the prices are just to much. In the past I have the pan dropped, new filter etc, and the Torque converter drained and filled. With an on-line coupon it was all about $ the estimate it between 175 and 275 dollars. Can't I do this myself?

Question: What is this 'better fluid to reduce convertor chatter'??


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I like Mobil 1 tranny fluid myself. I can't imagine why they would charge $100 more for a "premium" fluid. Did they tell you what brand they were going to use?

Mobil1 tranny fluid

They didnt say what type of 'special' fluid they would use. I am guessing a synthetic over Mercon V.

I'd try another shop.. Any reason you need a flush and just not a fluid change?

I think that this shop is over priced. You could do the work yourself for a fraction of what they want. These shops don't even replace the filter anymore since they flush everything through the cooler lines.

reason for fluid change

No problems noted, color and smell seem ok. Been some 100,000 miles since the last change. way over due by the book. With 210,000 on the vehicle, I'd like to keep it in tip top shape.

I know I can do the work, I think the shop is over priced.

With a flush they circulate the fluid and filter it out. Changing the fluid is just that, dump and fill.

A 1998 automatic Explorer uses Mercon V as an ATF fluid, not the older Mercon. I would verify that they want to use the correct fluid. Some shops will use a Mercon equivalent, usually labeled Dex/Merc nowadays, and put in an additive, such as Dead Link Removed, to attempt to change the fluids properties to be similar to the correct fluid. This is a cost savings for the shop as they have to stock only one ATF and just modify it for each use. There is a questions if this modified fluid is as good as a correct fluid.

Many people use a full synthetic ATF as Motorcraft Mercon V appears to be at best a synthetic blend - some of these have a Mercon V license, some forgo a license but are listed as suitable for use. A full synthetic ATF will have better cold flow properties and will be more resistant to breaking down under high temperatures, such as during heavy towing. Some of these synthetics are Amsoil ATF, Redline D4, Mobil 1 Synthetic ATF, Valvoline Mercon V Synthetic and Schaeffer's ALL Tran Supreme.

One can do this, although the job is more complex than a simple oil change. However, when you do you can be sure the job is done right with the ATF that you decide to use. For my 2002 Explorer, I did it myself at 63,000 miles for the first time and dropped the pan, changed the filter, and did a full flush of 12 quarts of a good synthetic ATF, Dead Link Removed


Can't I do this myself?

Question: What is this 'better fluid to reduce convertor chatter'??

LOL! I was thinking that my auto tranny had that done to it.... Hmm, foggy tranny shop conversations. I think aldive is right on that one. I wouldn't pay anyone big dollars to change fluid in your tranny. Dump and fill : )
