Truckhaven for T-day -Nov 23-26 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truckhaven for T-day -Nov 23-26


Explorer Addict
January 7, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Clarksville, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 XLT 4x4
We've talked about this in a few different threads, but it could use a thread of its own. So who all is coming?

John and I will be out there from Thurs night through Sun morning.

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:popcorn: :wavey:

Leaving SF thursday night, should be there about Friday noon, leaving Sunday afternoon..


Friday noon to Sunday morning.:D

Still deciding if I wanna go for thanksgiving weekend or the weekend before.
I'm gonna see what my buddies schedule is like and see if I can get him out there. He doesn't have a rig but he keeps saying he'd like to go wheelin' sometime.

Thursday night, or Friday morning....depends on if anyone else is going out Thursday night.

To Sunday morning

thursday night or friday morning till sometime sunday. Going to try to do the weekend before and after. That will depend on work.


Ditto: the AAARRRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!:fire: :hammer:

We've talked about this in a few different threads, but it could use a thread of its own. So who all is coming?

John and I will be out there from Thurs night through Sun morning.


(dang, I gotta keep on top of this stuff - I'm almost on the second page!)

I'll be giving FROADER the "shaft", so we probably need some time Friday night to put it in.

I'll bring a shop light and tools..

I'll be giving FROADER the "shaft", so we probably need some time Friday night to put it in.

I'll bring a shop light and tools..

Should not be a problem:thumbsup: , we had mine all apart after the run last time:rolleyes:

I forgot Tom, Don't forget to bring grease. We need it nice and slipery to go in past the seal. We don't need that much light, there is only one place for it to go. Dead Link Removed

Oh, we can lube that shaft up before it's inserted.

Someone bring a D44 socket, I do not remember where mine is buried, and we don't want the nuts coming lose.

Oh, we can lube that shaft up before it's inserted.

Someone bring a D44 socket, I do not remember where mine is buried, and we don't want the nuts coming lose.


Well, I posted in the "other" t-haven thread that i'll be going but what the hey, I'll go turkey day too:thumbsup:

Sarah and I are going out Saturday - Sunday. We should get there before 1100 Sat morning. I will need to take a nap because I will be driving out as soon as I get off work Saturday morning.

Where are we staying? Marina Drive, or up on the Bluff?

Don't forget to bring wood! :D

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Where are we staying? Marina Drive, or up on the Bluff?

Up on the bluff to get away from the potential T-day weekend crowd.

