Turn key...No Elec pwr, no lights/sounds, nothing works, can't shift out of park. Batts good. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Turn key...No Elec pwr, no lights/sounds, nothing works, can't shift out of park. Batts good.


July 16, 2023
Reaction score
City, State
Fernandina Beach, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 Ed Bauer Explorer
Was driving this afternoon, backed into a low fence rail. Put it in park and checked it out. Cracked tail light lens. Drove for another 20 minutes stopped put it in park, and shut it down. Came back in 10 minutes, went to start it and it was dead. No electrical power. No lights. No clicks. Nothing works. No windows, radio, or interior lights. Cant open the rear hatch because the lock has no power. Absolutely nothing is getting electrical power.
Any ideas?

2008 Explorer, 4.0 V-6, 2WD

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If you haven't already, the first thing I would do is check the status of the battery and then the positive and negative cables at both ends. Was there any other damage done besides the tail light? How old is the battery?

Checked batt, has 12.7 volts and is 2 weeks old. The cables at the batt end are clean and tight. I'll be getting underneath tomorrow. There was no other damage.

Checked batt, has 12.7 volts and is 2 weeks old. The cables at the batt end are clean and tight. I'll be getting underneath tomorrow. There was no other damage.
Also tried to jump it and had no effect. No sign of any power at all getting to the car.

Also tried to jump it and had no effect. No sign of any power at all getting to the car.

Also tried to jump it and had no effect. No sign of any power at all getting to the car.
The reason I even mentioned the cracked lens of the taillight, is because I had to trip the Brake-shift Interlock to get the car out of park to tow it. In the Owners Manual on page 277, there is a blurb about this. "If it is necessary to use the above procedure to move the gear shift lever, it is possible that a fuse has blown or the vehicles brakelamps are not operating properly."
The lightbulb was replaced as it was damaged. Is there an interlock that shuts down power to the car when the brakelight fails???

The reason I even mentioned the cracked lens of the taillight, is because I had to trip the Brake-shift Interlock to get the car out of park to tow it. In the Owners Manual on page 277, there is a blurb about this. "If it is necessary to use the above procedure to move the gear shift lever, it is possible that a fuse has blown or the vehicles brakelamps are not operating properly."
The lightbulb was replaced as it was damaged. Is there an interlock that shuts down power to the car when the brakelight fails???
Also, which fuse would affect power going to the shifter?
