TURN THAT S*%T UP!!!, What are you Listening To, Driving or Otherwise?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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TURN THAT S*%T UP!!!, What are you Listening To, Driving or Otherwise??


Elite Loser
Staff member
Elite Explorer
November 29, 2000
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San Diego, PRofK
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 XLT
I like all genres of music from classical to metal. I've been on an older metal kick lately, lots of Judas Priest.

Some of my favorite driving music with great intros

Not for the faint of heart....

And this one from Saliva

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This is probably the oldest tune I listen to with any regularity. Some of the lines in there just wouldn't cut it these days. Some consider this among the first rock and roll songs, but without the guitar it usually doesn't get counted.

"Everybody in my car's gonna take a little nip
Move on out, boozin' and cruisin' along"

When I was into motorcycles I loved cranking this one up on the Discman I kept in the tank bag of my bike. I listened through wired ear buds, inside my helmet. I was riding a Kawasaki 750 Turbo at the time :burnout:

This one was released just a couple years before I moved to AZ.

17 and natures queen, if you know what I mean... Love UFO...

Great early version of Bad Motorscooter

Foghat drivin' wheel...

ZZ Top Fool For Your Stockings - Smooth....

I Wanna be sedated!

Turd on the Run...

REO Speedwagon - Ridin' the Storm Out

Highway Song...


i grew up in the 80's, therefore was always listening to hairbands (even will admit to having a mullet). dee snider has a radio show that airs here on saturday nights call house of hair. i make every excuse i can think of to work on one of my trucks or any project so i can be near the radio and listen. a few songs that have caught my ear over the last year are so are.

Kix - She Dropped Me The Bomb​

Quiet Riot - Party All Night​

Britny Fox - Girlschool​

Britny Fox - Long Way To Love​

Iron Maiden - Can I Play With Madness​


I go through my moods, usually I just throw it on my playlist which is comprised mostly of: new and old country, old rock, and metal if ya want to count metallica and such. Just the other day I went to the older list with some Merle Haggard, AC/DC, Queen, Johhny Cash, Alabama, Kenny Rogers, Metallica, Brooks & Dunn, Guns N' Roses, good ol' Ozzy Osbourne, Survivor, Kansas, etc..just a good mix of older country and rock
Either way, I'll be rocking out as I go down the road, but I especially like starting my drive off with Eye of the Tiger, Wanted Dead or Alive, Livin' on a Prayer, or Carry on Wayward Son. Always some of my favorites growing up

I have been running through a massive number of MP3 files covering the hits of the 1970s. I think the number of MP3s is around 500 and they are located on a flash drive. Lots of good songs and some I have never heard before. I grew up in the 1970s and it is funny how hearing one of these songs can bring back a specific memory.

Otherwise, I stream YouTube videos to the radio via bluetooth.

I have been running through a massive number of MP3 files covering the hits of the 1970s. I think the number of MP3s is around 500 and they are located on a flash drive. Lots of good songs and some I have never heard before. I grew up in the 1970s and it is funny how hearing one of these songs can bring back a specific memory.

Otherwise, I stream YouTube videos to the radio via bluetooth.
I keep mine on an sd card in my phone, so I plug the phone in and it plays the 818 I have in that playlist. Way more downloaded, but it wouldn't let me pass 1000 in each playlist so I just took a way a bunch, but I make it work to listen to the others now and then. Phone says 2410 tracks but there are a few duplicates here and there, but I'd have to guess 2350+ songs, ranging from old rock, old country, new country, couple of other genres, but theres only a handful of those songs. And I wonder why my phone has no space lol

I keep mine on an sd card in my phone, so I plug the phone in and it plays the 818 I have in that playlist. Way more downloaded, but it wouldn't let me pass 1000 in each playlist so I just took a way a bunch, but I make it work to listen to the others now and then. Phone says 2410 tracks but there are a few duplicates here and there, but I'd have to guess 2350+ songs, ranging from old rock, old country, new country, couple of other genres, but theres only a handful of those songs. And I wonder why my phone has no space lol
My Mountaineer has the navigation unit and it has a HD and USB port. I don't use the HD but it does accept 16gb card. I have a lot of other music on it with some room to spare. Lots of Steely Dan, Older Chicago, Boston, Yes, Led etc. I have never been much of a metal fan.

My Mountaineer has the navigation unit and it has a HD and USB port. I don't use the HD but it does accept 16gb card. I have a lot of other music on it with some room to spare. Lots of Steely Dan, Older Chicago, Boston, Yes, Led etc. I have never been much of a metal fan.
Not a huge metal person either, as said, furthest I go into that is Metallica. My stereo has a cd and USB slot, that's it, so I plug my phone in and it charges and gives access to play music. Have a bluetooth one I've been meaning to swap in for a while, just ain't taken the time for. Ya got some good music there

Metallica isn't really metal, they are just pretend metal.:p

The Explorer and RV head units have a USB port so I have a flash drive with about a thousand songs of every genre. I have Steely Dan, Chicago and Boston on there too. Elton John, Queen, Zepplin, Heart, Motley Crue, Journey, etc.. If on a road trip in the RV, I just set it to random and go with it.

Metallica isn't really metal, they are just pretend metal.:p

The Explorer and RV head units have a USB port so I have a flash drive with about a thousand songs of every genre. I have Steely Dan, Chicago and Boston on there too. Elton John, Queen, Zepplin, Heart, Motley Crue, Journey, etc.. If on a road trip in the RV, I just set it to random and go with it.
Yeah, as said, not a huge metal fan, that's why they're the closest lol

That's a good working plan, how I do mine as well, I just plug the phone in and leave it set on random, always makes for a fun drive every time! That's my one main rule too: Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts their cake hole! Even had a sticker for it on the dash of the X, I'll work with ya on music a lil' bit, but it's my truck lol

on a road trip in the RV, I just set it to random and go with it.
I use Pandora and have over a thousand "thumbs up" songs that I put on shuffle.

Mostly RHCP as of late. Need to indoctrinate the kiddos before they go to their first concert on Saturday.

I ODed on Blood Sugar Sex Magik when it came out. 🤣

The Offfspring's Americana is another one from the 90s that I overplayed.

Metallica isn't really metal, they are just pretend metal.:p

But I can play most of their songs lmao teen years

Now I listen to the good stuff
some I can't even post here lol

I ODed on Blood Sugar Sex Magik when it came out. 🤣

The Offfspring's Americana is another one from the 90s band that I overplayed.

It's amazing how they went from small venue (pre-Blood Sugar) to small/medium/large arena (basically through Californication or By the Way) to stadiums. A coworker, as a kid, was visiting family in CA in the early 80s when she snuck into a RHCP concert in a music hall/bar that required her to go on the roof and climb down a fire/roof access ladder to the inside. The crowds they gathered even during the Hillel era showed how big they would one day be.

It's amazing how they went from small venue (pre-Blood Sugar) to small/medium/large arena (basically through Californication or By the Way) to stadiums. A coworker, as a kid, was visiting family in CA in the early 80s when she snuck into a RHCP concert in a music hall/bar that required her to go on the roof and climb down a fire/roof access ladder to the inside. The crowds they gathered even during the Hillel era showed how big they would one day be.

It's cool to see bands progress. I first saw the Scorpions at ChicagoFest in '79. Love Drive just came out and the ChicagoFest management put them on a small side stage instead of on the main stage. The area was packed. People climbed up light poles and onto the roof of the building so they could watch the show. Charlie Daniels was on the mainstage that day. I got to see both.

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It's cool to see bands progress. I first saw the Scorpions at ChicagoFest in '79. Love Drive just came out and the ChicagoFest management put them on a small side stage instead of on the main stage. The area was packed. People climbed up light poles and onto the roof of the building so they could watch the show. Charlie Daniels was on the mainstage that day. I got to see both.
I ain't got to go to many concerts or anything like that. Been following one band thats building up, from bars to two concerts now, but I've only made it to one concert though
