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U-Joint Job


Active Member
November 19, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Omaha, NE
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer XLT
Can I replace the u-joints (wheel JointS) on both front sides without removing the spindle thru the access holes there?

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if you mean the inner on the passenger side, you can torch it out and put a new one with a press

I have everything I need for the job, except the press. I plan on either renting one or borrowing my friends, if his works for my application, I had sprayed them with lube to get them thru the winter, but now its warming up in my area and I am a little weary about messing with the passenger side because of the clamp thats on there.

So, when I sprayed them with lube, I remember there being access holes on both the sides, but I dont know if I could fit the press in the area there to do them without taking it apart.

I am all for it, but all I plan on doing is the u-joints. I already tried to get the spindle off the drivers side once, and I have heard of people having problems getting it off. I am pretty sure the u-joints that are on there are factory so I bet the spindle hasn't been touched sice factory also.

I also plan on doing new wheel bearings, lock nuts, rotor and brake pads, the hubs are new.

I haven't tried. It might be possible. However, IMO, you'll probably spend more time and effort wrestling with it on the vehicle, than you would have spent wrestling with the spindle to get it off. Most will come off "relatively" easy with the right tool (maybe a slide hammer or a bigger hammer).

No biggie, I can do it all... Can anyone tell me what I need for thay "Keystone" Clamp that is on the passenger side that I need to take off and replace in order to get that side out? That is my only other worry.

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