"Unofficial" Explorer Forum 2010 Census. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"Unofficial" Explorer Forum 2010 Census.

Explorer Forum 2010 Census.

  • Total voters


Smokey the clutch is; Missed shift you did
Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
October 5, 2008
Reaction score
Humid, Damp, and Hot
City, State
Houston, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 EB, '93 Limited
Please, please please, if the poll option does not exist for your situation, please list any other Ranger-based vehicles you have at the bottom of your post.

I was thinking, just for the heck of it, if we had our own census and documented every Explorer on the site.

If you do vote, please, make sure it is CURRENT vehicles that are either in WORKING CONDITION or IN THE PROCESS OF BEING REBUILT. NO parts vehicles please.

Explorers = Navajo/Mountaineer

If the poll does not include the option you need, please post in this thread. Otherwise just vote.

Number: 2

Do this for ever individual model. NOTHING ELSE.

Poll Closes December 31st 2010 at 11:59.


Current standings as of 4/9/10 @ 1am

91 = Explorer/Navajo/Aviator/Mountaineer's

12 = Ranger's
3 = BII's

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Is there an easy way to send an "announcement" email to all members notifying them to check into a census thread?

This is a great idea, not only for us but from a marketing perspective.


you forgot Mountaineer silly-we have 2 here so you might want to make multiple mounty bullets also?

you might add Sport Trac also

I must be an idiot. I do not understand this at all.

I don't understand it either, but it sounds like fun! So I voted.

1 ex

I'm sure BrooklynBay will chime in shortly on a poll shortage as well... :D

This is seriously a great idea- it's just basically the 'state of the EF' as far as what and how many vehicles are owned by who... I think an announcement email would be great, and knowing not only how many but how they are used, such as someone may have multiple vehicles, but one may be strictly for wheeling... Could be interesting for not only the forum runners, but also drawing sponsors...

I think this census thread would be great for first joiners as well as the "must read threads" such as reading codes, etc... Package them together in an email, maybe?


The % of members with more than one Explorer is so small we're probably better off using a member count than Explorer count. Plus vendors are more interested in the number of wallets.

....and how many I own(ed) is important because ??
Cauz you're a freaking lion, and lions are important to keep track of. You dont want to wake up the next day, reach into your pocket and say to yourself: where the Prince's-Purple-Rain-album is my freaking lion?!? The Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani would be all over your back if that happened, he'd be all flustered up and worried sick about that grand flowing mane.

no way to select 2 rangers and 2 explorers (er.. I mean 1 explorer and 1 mountaineer)

Let's just say that there are a lot of them on the road!!

Good idea.! I officially did the unofficial vote !:thumbsup: I have always wondered how many members were active and still around. I know I dropped out of sight for awhile because of my trucking career,but still stopped by off and on.

Is there an easy way to send an "announcement" email to all members notifying them to check into a census thread?

This is a great idea, not only for us but from a marketing perspective.


you forgot Mountaineer silly-we have 2 here so you might want to make multiple mounty bullets also?

you might add Sport Trac also

He stated the Explorer=Navajo & Mountaineer. I agree it needs broken down into more catagories.

...It will only let me put 1 ranger or one X...:(

...I'm like others here..:shifty_ey ...I'm Bi-Truxial..

Well this really would be better if a moderator took over this one. He can edit the poll to be more user friendly.

Until then, use the form in the quotes on the first post if the poll doesn't have what you need.

...It's your baby and it's your to take care of...:p:

...I actually think this is a cool thread...:biggthump

...There are a lot of members and a number of Moderators that either no longer have Explorers/RBV's, don't own the vehicle any longer (under their name or in their signature), or they have multiples now....

...I was really surprised to find out how many people here also have Rangers as a DD that never posted about them before...:eek:

I voted 3 explorers because we hav three at the house right now.

Joe read my mind. I'll try to fix the poll for you. Edit: I'm not having any luck editing the poll. I wanted to add more categories, and make it multiple choice, but I didn't see any options for this.

I've been AWOL for a bit....

...but cool idea. My 98 is gone ( I passed it on the highway the other day), but I still have my 05 and my wife is still in love with her 03. So for the current census I (we) have 2. (and I have a Pontiac Montana work van :bsnicker: at me)

I set up a notice directing members to this thread:thumbsup:

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1 lifted to the IFS max Explorer ,
and 1 work in progress Ranger , with many mods to come, ,
