V6 Explorer timing tool kit. Otc 6488. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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V6 Explorer timing tool kit. Otc 6488.


New Member
June 6, 2017
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City, State
South Australia
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 xlt 4.0
Hi everyone.My tag is Dazzan.I live in South Australia and am 67 years young.I still do all car repairs because I can't afford a mechanic.I urgently need a timing tool kit OTC 6488 because the motor has noisy chains.I would prefer a used kit because of the price.I can pay by Paypal.If a used kit is not available, could you please advise me of the cheapest supplier in the US. including delivery costs to Australia? Thanking you in anticipation. Best regards.Dazzan.

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Hi Dazzan,

I can't help you with this, but I just dropped by to say that I've read a lot of posts of people buying aftermarket/no-name brand chains and tensioners only to have to replace them again a year later.

The Ford tensioner kits appear to to be of the best quality.

best of luck...

Cloyes is the oem for the Ford timing chain kits, and you can likely find them at lower cost than the Ford-branded parts. Its big job, requiring an engine pull (or trans drop) for the rear (right) timing chain.

I paid $230 US for my OTC tool, which is the cheapest price I see in the U.S. right now. I could sell you mine (used) for $175 U.S. + actual shipping, but you might get a better deal buying it locally, since the shipping alone could be $40-$50 U.S. Good luck.

Hi Dazzan,
I am in the same boat as you. I have found a company called OZWIDE Tools will rent out the kit for about $100 per week . Just Google them. Hope that helps
Chaars David
