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V8 Explorer Swap -> Wiring Questions

I have 2 of them sitting out back...96 5.0L AWD Explorer's both wrecked.
They must be more common here :)

OH and I know Tim

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I agree that the Explorer is the very best donor choice. Everything fits without changes.

The AOD and all variants are the best transmissions, but some older versions have vulnerable areas. The AOD has no electronics, but must have the TV cable properly adjusted. The deal is to get one that needs nothing changed, or very little changed(internally).

Spend a large amount of time searching for the best donor vehicle. More money spent on an Explorer combo to begin with, will greatly reduce the labor and expense to modify something else. Good luck,

this is because the explore 5.0L has the short front dress, exhaust manifolds that will clear, and its a GT-40 5.0L, the last of the pushrod 5.0L's.

However into a first gen you still have to use a different oil pan and oil filter kit....at the very least.

It's a minimal modification swap. All of the others would need a bunch of the Explorer parts, or sacrifices to other areas of the engine bay.

Finding a donor vehicle to get the complete system is hard to begin with. Making the wiring work is much easier coming from a complete vehicle.

But see like i said before,5.0L Explorer's are very very hard to come across up here. Not alot of these sold in Canada.There are alot of t-bird/cougar/LSC's here so my selection is very limmited.When i call the wreakers for a quote, i am looking at $5000.00 just for the motor. That is how rare they are.
I know it would be easier to do it that way but it would be cheaper for me to drop accross the border and pick up a 5.0L Explorer and bring it back.
I can still get the parts through Ford and Ebay cheap, but i need to make sure i am doing it right with the right parts.

Cool, then do that. Take the time to find a good deal on a V8 Explorer below the border.

You might ask Midwest Mustangs to help you to find one. They only part out Mustangs, and V8 Explorers. Good luck,

So, would it be smart for me to get a Engine harness from the swap car and another 4.0L engine harness from a Explorer of the same year as mine and do all the wiring connections from that point????This would let me know the length that i have to make each connector to fit my ex???

You need to decide on the engine first, then the front accessories type, which for a 302 will dictate the operating system. I gather you are set on the 302, that's a fine choice.

You have a 302 bolted in already? The factory Explorer 302 front accessories are supposed to be a very easy fit into the 1st gen. body. Meaning that you can use most of the factory Explorer parts. Others have done it, and finding help will be less of a problem.

Using the Mustang type front accessories will require different changes, as well as requiring the EECIV PCM. The OBDII computer from the Explorers is much better than the EECIV system, for any non stock application(non stock engine). Modifications and upgrades are much easier and seamless with the OBDII PCM. This is why a donor vehicle is so valuable for this type of swap. Knowing what parts to get is easier and cheaper, because they are on the donor.

Make your decision about the front accessory type, and thus the PCM type. Then don't look back. The Explorer system is simpler in concept, and more people will be able to help you. Good luck,

Basically you will use the engine harness from the donor vehicle, the vehicle where the PCM comes from. How much other wiring is needed depends on which PCM is chosen. It also will affect what dash gauges will work, and which others may not.

I will be using a 302/aod from a lincoln LSC.....I will have to use a custom rad and fan setup.I also need to know if i can still use the Explorer throttle cable or the Lincoln.

That's the place to start. Now search for help from others who have done the 86-93 Mustang swap. I have owned four Mark VII's, the HO 302's from them are exactly the same as the speed density Mustang 302 HO's. They have the same front accessory drives, except the alternator is larger. Wiring is identical, I converted one of mine to mass air, before I wrecked it.

That AOD has good potential, but do make sure it is from 1989 or newer. There was some output shaft lubrication improvement in 1988 or so. There are some upgrades you should do to that AOD. Do you have a transmission builder? Any competent trans tech can do this; ind a later AODE or 4R70W for parts. The 4R70W would be a slightly better choice because of the "W"ide ratio planetary gears. Don't pay more than about $200 for one, or get a burned up trans.

What you want from the core 4R70W trans is the rotating guts from it. They have a wider OD band(high gear), four 2nd gear clutches/frictions(instead of three), and the W version has the planetary gears, to lower 1st and 2nd gear. Bought separately new, they would be over $500. Also go to Ford and buy the Supercoupe "A" OD parts. Those three parts used to be about $50 from Ford(OD servo, OD cover, OD spring).

I still have an AOD TransGo shift kit, which I may never need. Good luck,

Thanks.....i need this info so i can do my Xplorer soon. I want to get the engine/aod/harness.Mod the harness.then drop the engine in and start all the other stuff.

Make a search here for terms like "swap", "Mustang", "302", "cooling", and "accessories." You should be able to find a handful of members here who have installed Mustang 302's in an Explorer.

Note that one of the first replies to your thread was from Guy Groves. It looks like he can help you with most of the wiring connections, and colors. See what you can learn from him.
