Very little power to move... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Very little power to move...


New Member
March 27, 2011
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2001 XLT
Hello all ~ My wife was driving our 2001 4x4 explorer and she lost all electrical power. Went to the car and jumped it for 10 minutes - car started up but then lost power after we tried to drive it home after a few 100 yards. Took out the battery and alternator. Battery charged and was OK - Alternator was not. Put the new alternator in and the battery back in - car started right up, but now we have little to no power transfer from / or to the trans? It will go into gear forward and reverse - but without much power to drive the vehicle? thoughts.

Interesting what you describe, i've started a thread, "Loss of Power" and it could be that both our problems are simular as the previous owner had only replaced the battery the day before the trans gave up on him...

...Very strange.
