Volume control not working | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Volume control not working


April 23, 2011
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 XLT
I have 2011 XLT and noticed last week that the volume control is not working properly.

1. Main panel volume control knob: not working.
Rotating the knob on either way wouldn't change the volume level
2. Handle volume control button: not working properly.
Slightly pressing the control button wouldn't change the volume level. Only when I pressed it hard for more than a few seconds will the volume level change, but this will drastically change the volume level to extreme low or extreme high.

This is my current Sync version (VersionGen2 - V3.0.2).

Have anyone experienced this volume control issue.

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I have once. The volume stuck very low so I was lucky.

You shoud probably order the A4 card if you have nav and update to 3.5.1 sync.

I'd start by resetting the power (pull the fuse or disconnect the battery, your choice) and see if that fixes it.

If not, do a master reset from the system settings.

You should probably update to the latest version of the software available from syncmyride

update and run reboot app.

Thank you all for the advice. But, today the issue seems gone. I just started Explorer and the volume control issue was gone.

Later I'll update to the latest sync version (v3.5.1).

turn by turn on navigation too loud, cannot find out how to lower volume

turn by turn on navigation too loud, cannot find out how to lower volume

If I remember you lower the volume with the knob when it is speaking

Thank you all for the advice. But, today the issue seems gone. I just started Explorer and the volume control issue was gone.

Later I'll update to the latest sync version (v3.5.1).
The latest version is 3.6.2. You can download it from your SYNC account but you will also required an A4 S/D navigation card if you don't have one.


turn by turn on navigation too loud, cannot find out how to lower volume
Welcome to the Forum tennmax. :wavey:
According to your profile you have a 2009 Toyota. I'm guessing you haven't updated it with the model of Explorer you have.
The volume level is set using the MFT screen. Not knowing what model/year you have I don't know if all model years are the same way. If you have the 2014, look at page 475 of your Owner's Guide.

