Wanted - Wanted: 95-01 Overhead Console and Seat Slider | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted Wanted: 95-01 Overhead Console and Seat Slider

Parts or services wanted


It's green, not gray.
Elite Explorer
February 3, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Oakland, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 Mountaineer
The compass and outside temperature screen on mine died which seems like a pretty common thing, so hoping someone on here will have one to sell that is still functioning.

Also looking for a driver's seat powered slider.

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The compass and outside temperature screen on mine died which seems like a pretty common thing, so hoping someone on here will have one to sell that is still functioning.

Also looking for a driver's seat powered slider.
The compass is a easy fix you need to solder it theres a how to on here


I saw that but I don’t think that’s the problem with mine. There’s a dark spot on the screen.

Bump. Is no one parting these cars out anymore?

I think mine had a dark spot before repair… but works as normal…

I found someone on ebay with great reviews who repairs these things, so I just went with that. I'll keep yours in mind though toypaseo if the repair doesn't work out. Thanks.

I don’t have a spare @mounty71… that is my current one

I guess I misunderstood you. I thought you were saying you had one to sell that had a working screen that was partially dim. Maybe the dark spot on mine isn't the reason for it not working, so hopefully it can still be repaired.
