Warrior Shackles and a set of 4" Superlift rear leafs | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Warrior Shackles and a set of 4" Superlift rear leafs

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I have a set of 4" superlift rear leaf springs, superlift rear shocks and warrior shackles that I got that I will not be needing since I am lifting a Ranger. The springs are about 2 years old and are in great condition still. The shocks are the same age and look good also but could use new lower bushings. I do not have the bolts for the shackles, I needed them for another truck. If your anywhere in NC/VA/MD area there is a good chance I can drop off or meet for pickup of the leafs.

  • Shackles(no bolts) SOLD
  • Shocks $40 + shipping SOLD
  • Leafs $150 + shipping SOLD

Shipping on the leafs ranges from $100 for east coast to $175 for west coast.






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Springs to 55122 Eagan MN

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But no bolts, right? I do not remember what size/length bolt I'd need for those shackles.


I have 1 bolt I can include so you can match it up at a hardware store.

Now anyone interested in the springs, Shipping will be no less than $125 no matter where you are. UPS charges a MINT to ship these since they are about 65 lbs a piece. If you want any other stuff I can combo the items on a pallet and ship them that way but most full size pallets start around $150 just to ship. I really would like to find a east coast buyer for the leafs.

How much for all shipped to central Arkansas?

That's total cost right? Or is that just for shipping

That's total cost right? Or is that just for shipping

That is total cost assuming shipping is about $125. I don't have your zip so I couldn't be but so accurate.


Shocks and springs still for sale!!!!

ok if 4" spring under that should make them 6" spring over to work on a ranger how thick are the packs and just a shot in the dark shipping on the superlift leafs to 65802 dock to dock pick-up :thumbsup:

ok if 4" spring under that should make them 6" spring over to work on a ranger how thick are the packs and just a shot in the dark shipping on the superlift leafs to 65802 dock to dock pick-up :thumbsup:

Yeah you would gain at least 6" I would think. I am using regular explorer leafs and shackles for 4" of lift on my ranger $265 Shipped

boom, how much for the springs shipped to Willow Grove, PA?

Im in Bel Air, MD. how much for the leafs if i meet you somewhere?

Leafs $150 + shipping

If these are still available, I'm interested in buying them. Sent a PM.

Sorry guys, sold these locally a while back

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