What do YOU think.....33s or 35s | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What do YOU think.....33s or 35s

Which would you chose in my situation?

  • 33s on a 15x10 rim

    Votes: 11 29.7%
  • 35s on a 15x8 rim

    Votes: 26 70.3%

  • Total voters
Well its both backspacing and width. Most 10" rims stick out more than the average 8" rim because usually the BS is within an inch of each other. Most 15x8s have 3.75 BS and most 15x10 have 4 to 4.5 BS.

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The question is, "Where do you wheel?"

For some stuff -- soft, like sand -- I'd go wide. For some stuff -- mud, where you're looking for bottom, snow, etc., I'd go narrow.

For rocks, narrow is better, as long as the hub is protected, as you won't be denting up the rim so often. Narrow also tends to stay on the bead (as mentioned above) better.

Traction wise, putting the most rubber on the surface is not always the best thing. For flotation, yes, but for ultimate bite, no, as you are lowering the pounds per square inch as you add more rubber to the road.

If looks are your major hangup, do what looks right to you. Its not as if wheels and tires are a once in a lifetime purchase. They can be changed. People will sell or swap out one size wheel for another if you ask around. Seems like everyone wants something different than the other guy these days.

In any event, all of what I said above has someone else that disagrees... That is the nature of the game. So ultimately, run whatcha got and have fun with it.

Well said; and the problem is, I wheel in everything. Mainly URE where there are rocks, but sometimes mud and snow too. There are benefits for both. If I go w/ the 33s with wider rims, I'll have more power and a more stable stance. If I go w/ 35s and 8" wide rims I'll have more bead/rim protection and ground clearance. This is why I have started this thread....I like to hear opinions from others.

If I go w/ the 33s with wider rims, I'll have more power and a more stable stance.

That just makes me laugh. :D

You just said that you are going to be doing mostly rocks, and sometimes mud and snow. All of those are what the "narrower" wheels are perfect for. If you go 33s you'll be bummed until you get 35s. Just get the 35s, regear and be done with it. ;) :p:

You're talking about maybe .5" - 1" wider on each side when all said and done anyway...

Regearing a second time is not an option for me.....i'm a poor college boy :) The only reason I regeared to 4.10 the first time is because I got a good deal on the gear set and a detroit trutrac for the 8.8

35s man get 35s if only for the ground clearence, i only have a tt an aal at the moment an i run 32s wish i would have bought 33s cause im gettin a bl, to run 33s with the amount of lift u got ,in my opinion, would be stupid. go bigger because bigger is better. and go with the wider rim man it looks like money,
and anyway you look at it, more tire = more ground contact=traction

personaly i think thin tires are a bad idea if your gonna touch any wetland/swamp or any water saturated dirt or other wise soft terrain, thin tires like to dig till they cant dig no more hanging up you diff an axel, just my opinion

go 35s just think bout the traction diff from stock tires to the ones your runnin now

That is true. Going from 32s to 35s will give me 1.5" more ground clearance.....which is a lot.

If anyone in NC wants to sell me their 35s, that would be nice :p

Gotta bump this one so I can keep it alive

steve 35's you'll be happier. i know i am going to them when these tires are worn out.

Yeah a lot of ppl are telling me that. I think thats the way I'll go. Hopefully I'll have them on there by the time URE opens next spring.

Bump, how bout some more votes.

Yeah, pretty much. Im just dealing w/ the gearing issues yall put in the back of my mind :)

you wanna trade tires?

how good of shape are your 32s in?

I may trade you my 33s for your 32s and some money (mine are pretty new, less than 3K miles.) Ill even sell you my wheels too if you want them, lol. 15x8 3.75 backspacing....perfect ;)

They're in really good shape. Probably 75%. What kind of wheels do you have....rockcrawlers?

I've got eagle alloys.

they are rockcrawlers, perfect for wheelin ;)

if you just want wheels, let me know...same thing with tires.

Im actually looking for 31s, but i could sell the 33s ;)

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Man if you had 35s i'd jump all over it.
