what do you think about these pedals? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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what do you think about these pedals?


Elite Explorer
October 18, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Red Wing, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 xlt
do you think these would look good? heres a pic of my interior. or is it too stupid to get aftermarket pedals? let me know please.


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and here are the pedals


  • razopedalsfordomestictrucksandsuv.jpg
    4.1 KB · Views: 876

I think they'd look sweet. I am partial to the ones with more chrome though...

I like my pedals, lots more traction when I have muddy or wet shoes ;)

i think "aftermarket pedals" are a waste, but thats just me.

do they have any pedals that replace the stock ones and not bolt over them?

I think they make the interior better having them at least better than stock. I've got the $20 carbon fiber ones from autozone. I've won tons of prizes at shows just for having the pedals. jk but ya i'd go for em they are tight

to me form follows function. i personally wouldnt get them unless there was some gain to be had from them (i cant really tell if the ones you posted have more grip/tread stuff on them)

i got some diamond plate tread ones... they were cheap, and it was an excuse to buty them, as my stock rubber cover kept falling off... the only time they suck is when itry and drive barefoot, they are either really cold or they are rough on my feet...

They look cool. I got the Saleen pedals which where quite difficult to put on but in the end it was worth it. They are nice!

How about these?


Okay, well, that didn't work.

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well... where do i get those? do they sell them for automatics? i wonder why ford didn't offer a five speed with the V8 anyways? it would give us a lot more credibility and it would be awesome

I like em'. I've got some carbon fiber one's on the trail rig I just purchased and they have raised metal grips. I like them and they are better than the stock one's. Unfortunately they really grip my slip ons and have really roughed up the bottoms of the shoes.

expo5.0: Those are for an automatic. The small pedal on the left is to cover the parking brake.


nice, its hard to see the scale in a picture on the net. when i get some time at home (i've been very busy with skiing and haven't been going home from college for the weekends for months) and finish all the other crap i have going i will hook some of these up. i already have custom tails to finish, interior carpet to finish (the cargo area), new back up lights, and a new amp to install, and a host of crap to fix, but these should be in by show season up here in the north.

I know this post is alittle old but 98X5.0 are those pedals the kind that are screwed into the existing pedal or are they the ones that have the bracket that goes around the pedal. I have been looking for a nice set of pedals since day 1 w/my truck and since Saleen never made pedals for an auto I was out of luck.
Ps are they chrome ?


if you look at the pedal pic closely, you see holes where you would have to drill..

Thanks.....I didn't notice

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saleen did make pedals for the automatic explorer. i have a set on my xp8. they do not make them or carry them anymore.
