What is your Ex worth to you? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What is your Ex worth to you?


Elite Explorer
March 2, 2003
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Mountaineer
If you were to sell your explorer what would you ask for it and what mods are done to it? Also is it in poor, good or excellent condition.

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I think it would be very difficult to find anyone to buy my Explorer (if at all possible).

I've created a monster. It has a wild cam lope, has a tempermental idle sometimes, it's loud inside, the tires are noisey, right now it has no center console (no cupholders! doh!) just a radio and tape player with two speakers, the hatch won't open, there's no inside panel on the hatch, and the hood is oxidizing. :mad: I'd give it a 4 out of 10 on condition. :D :cool:

Sextion525's value = $2750

If I were to sell mine I'd ask for $25k. It's in excellent condition and only has ~8500 miles and it will be 2 years old in April.

KBB @ $26,080 for completely loaded, 9,000 miles. Probably ask a bit less.

$3500. It is modded and dented. And it has some rust. I bet I have 10,000 into it. 289,000 on the odometer. You can get a nice stock one like mine here for 3000 if you look long enough.

my truck is worth about $200 to me... jsut because it has salvageable parts... the condition i rate maybe a 1, because of those salvageable parts.....

It's funny this comes up, I was wondering how much I should sell my X for, I was thinking $3500.
THE GOOD, kkm intake, dynomax, custom sound system, custom alarm, ranger airdam, shaved off roofrack-back wiper-side moldings, new paint includes painting rear view mirrors-door handles-side of doors-painted grilland light doors black instead of chrome, foglights, Limo tint, vent shades, smoked taillights and front lights, set of clear corners, very clean interior had seat covers all it's life.

NEW, Rebuild transmission, HD radiator, spark plugs and wires.

THE BAD, Oil pan gasket leaks onto y-pipe creates a lil smoke, A/C don't work, needs new tires, has an exhaust cutout installed by me that is really annoying and needs to be taken off.

THE UGLY, Transmission keeps overheating-"at transmission shop being fixed", Engine idle is all over the place, the oil pan gasket cost a pretty penny to replace, 180,000 miles.

After looking at my list I think I should just keep my X, I put a lot of work into it.


96 5 liter, 130k miles, fair condition inside- good condition outside

ask $3900, would take $3500


I plan on being buried in mine, just because we've exchanged blood.

$4500. Got all goodies in it. Including my brand new engine. That alone cost about 3g's. I think i'd take $4000. Goes with TV, PS2, Custom Radio, Snorkel,Everything...

sapogmxr said:
$4500. Got all goodies in it. Including my brand new engine. That alone cost about 3g's. I think i'd take $4000. Goes with TV, PS2, Custom Radio, Snorkel,Everything...

Wow. I'll give you 4100?

thanks but your in canada. :(

You couldn't buy a stock 97 that nice here for that.

Ha ha...a bidding war.

As for mine....well, It is in Great condition paint wise, and the interior is perfect if cleaned up nice. I also have brand new 92 rear seats to put in if I sold it.

So with all that said.....2500. BUT....I saw a 93 being sold at auction for 800 bucks.

I didnt expect so many replies, thanks. I am think about selling mine and i hoped this would help me figure up a decent price. Hopefully this helps others to.

Value to me including purchase price and mods.......around 15,000

To someone who appreciated it it may be worth 8'000

Realistically no one would buy my modded girl for her value. And if they offered,I would have to slap them before she got jealous and ran them over :D

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it would take a lot for me to sell my explorer now, i used to want to sell it so i could get a muscle car, but the more i drive my explorer the more i love it and want to mod it more and more, i bought it for $3500 and spent around $2000 in mods and parts. but when im done i will have around $7000 just in mods. but i also plan one having this explorer for a while,
i would sell it for $6,000 though

