What price would you pay for a '94 that has been built out and enjoyed already? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What price would you pay for a '94 that has been built out and enjoyed already?


New Member
February 22, 2022
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City, State
Borrego Springs
Year, Model & Trim Level
96, Ford Bronco, XL
Trying to figure out if it's worth it to pay in the teens for a used explorer build and risk the upgrades causing me more issues than having just bought a stock one and build it out that way. Build list below:

Threat Motorsports 4.5 over beams and extended radius arms with king 12”coil over , bypass and bumps and solo Motorsports front shock hoops . The rear has deaver leafs and fox 16” bypass and bumps with a solo rear shock hoop ( goes through cab ) . It has a solo roof rack and front and rear bumpers . It is currently geared at 4.56 . Stock 4.0 with auto trans . Yes the 4x4 is fully functional. Interior is a little rough.


What say you? Is it worth the risk or am I likely buying a junk explorer that would need an almost full buildout anyway.

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Can't make any determination without pictured, who did the work (shop or home built), looking at the welds, looking at the overall metalwork, seeing how beat it is, etc. And teens could mean anywhere from 13000-19000, which is a big difference.

Are you experienced with 1st generation Explorers and off road fabrication?

Can't make any determination without pictured, who did the work (shop or home built), looking at the welds, looking at the overall metalwork, seeing how beat it is, etc. And teens could mean anywhere from 13000-19000, which is a big difference.

Are you experienced with 1st generation Explorers and off road fabrication?

Thanks for the reply. I did provide one basic picture in the post but you ask some great questions and I appreciate it. I don't have any experience with x's, only Broncos but the idea of setting up an explorer seems like a good idea for overlanding, trail riding due to it's size (more interior sleeping space, skinnier, etc.).

I have off road fab experience but I actually have never boughten a pre-built out vehicle before so I am a bit overly cautious here. I will be able to judge the integrity of the design/welds and it looks like the loops were done by a local shop from what the seller has said.

The price is low teens and this guy has clearly put over $20k into his build, but a good amount of prefabbed parts bumpers/rack. My issue is this is probably a $1,500 to $2,000 car if it were stock. Obviously it isn't. But is it fair to say that his build-outs are used worth roughly $12k given the use? How would you go about judging that? Seems like a bigger risk to buy something like this rather than a stock one for 1/6 the price and drive it around for a while to make sure it's worthy of my affection and paychecks.

Just looking for other folks thoughts on that.

Screen Shot 2022-02-22 at 3.44.03 PM.png

Also, you've been in this forum for 22 years. That is ****ing awesome/crazy.

Carefully look over all the add-ons; shocks, Beams, underside of axles, look for damage, leaks, wear, etc. If it appears that it was just driven fast through the desert, it should be fine. How does it drive? Why is he selling it? Look in the doors jams and see if the spot welds are showing, that's a sure sign the body has been flexing but not a sign of any real damage. Look at the seam where the firewall and floor meet up. Explorers develop cracks in that area if off-roaded a lot, mine did.

It's got at least $5,000 worth of shocks, $1500 worth of beams, $1000 leaf springs, etc. Having shock hoops through the body take up a lot of cargo area.

Explorers are a great overlanding rig, they are sturdy, reliable and stock could beat out most of the rigs I see when doing that type of off-roading.

$12000 seems high in my opinion, but the used car market is crazy right now. Buying rigs built by someone else is always risky. You might get lucky, you might get screwed. Interior parts are getting very hard to find and expensive.

Agree with all of Brian's comments, but by your own admission you're interested in "overlanding" and "trail running", where it looks like the rig was purpose-built for high speed desert use. You're not likely going to be able to fit much sleeping accommodations in the rear passenger / cargo area with a rear shock hoop. . ., but I digress . . .

If it's well built, and not thrashed out, maybe it's worth that kind of money to someone. Stock motor? Stock transfer case? Stock transmission? Are those auto-locking hubs ? ? ? Yikes! Does it have lockers, or any type of traction device? If yes, would assume the seller would note that in the ad. . . Not worth it in my book, even with high quality parts, design, and construction. While it is getting harder to find first generation Explorers in decent shape, there are some still out there, and kinda-sorta aftermarket support available (James Duff, Rough Country). So, for a third of the asking price, you could probably find a decent rig, install a modest lift, inexpensive rear traction, and new rims and tires and be done.

Best news is that rig probably not going anywhere soon at that price, so you might be able to wait the seller out to see what he'd take. . .

Best of luck.

My thoughts are, it’s an auto trans, a4ld, so it will die. It’s a weak trans that’s 28 years old. Unless he’s had it rebuilt. It’s the only weak link IMO in an otherwise strong long lasting vehicle. I put 370,000 on my truck in my pic, but it’s a 5 speed.

I would also gauge the potential amount of beatings the truck has or hasnt had by how old the seller is. Twenties? Thirties? Forties?
The younger he is, the more thrashed it’s been, would be a smart approach. Having lived through those decades, and having lived in SoCal for decades gives me that perspective, sorry if that offends any young guys, lol. Trucks built like that in that area don’t usually get built to be pavement queens.

I would so buy that thing for the right price after I gave it a good solid lookover
Any rust?
How is trans fluid?

Just the parts you mentioned alone on that rig are $10k+ to get your hands on, so if the price is right, the rig is clean, the frame is not ripper the body mounts are not fubar and there is no excessive rust I would be all over that gen I

If they are asking $12000 it means they will take $10 cash

Do you plan to take it in the dirtor
Just daily drive on the streets? A rig like that should be in the dirt daily

I appreciate all the thought and insight here. You guys are truly experts. This thing would live in the dirt from October through April. Possible do some summer Utah trips.

I am going to collect all the thoughts you have provided and go check this bad boy out. Thank you again. I really appreciate it all and will keep you updated.

Re: High speed desert comment, it is absolutely built out for that but the way the hoops were installed in the trunk definitely left some solid space to rig a sleeping arrangement. I'll obviously know more after taking a look and driving it.

Low teens is the going rate for a truck like that these days. Solo builds top notch parts. Clean stock 1st gens are 3-4K now, and 5k+ for one with a lift. That truck has an easy 10k of parts and labor already put into it vs spending every night for 6 months trying to build your own.
