What size socket is the wheel bearing nut? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What size socket is the wheel bearing nut?

65 Fury Convert

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September 13, 2001
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The place that did my alignment said my wheel bearings are loose and need to be repacked. I just replaced the inner and outer bearings when I replaced the rotors this past winter so I can repack them myself (the shop wants $100 to do it). When I did it last time I used a chisel on the corner of the nut to tighten it - but this time I want to do it right and use a torque wrench. Question is, what size socket do I use on the wheel bearing nut?

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hm i dont think torque wrench wouldnt be the best idea. i just finished putting my new rotors back on today, and the best way to do it would be to use like pliers and tighten the nut, then use a screw driver and see if you can rock the washer back and forth, if you can, tighten it some more until its snug.

Yes, that is how I've done it in the past but for the Explorer we're supposed to torque to 35 lb-ft to seat everything and then back off 90 degrees and re-torque to 16 lb-in - Note: That it's 16 lb-in, not lb-ft.

For the 91-94s I am pretty sure it is 1 1/8. Yep, just checked my socket in the back of the truck. I am 2wd though, so 4wd may be different.

If I remember right, it's a 2 3/8 in on the 4x4. I remember there being a choice of pointed or rounded corners. I also remember that Napa was the only place where the guys even knew what I was looking for. Other places had the small sockets or the 4 prong sockets for manual hubs, but didn't know that there were any other style of locknuts.

2- 3/8" is the correct size. Mine is an OTC # 1936, I think that CarQuest carries OTC tools.

As stated above, torque to 35 ft lb while rotating the rotor. Back off 90 degrees, then torque to 16 in lb. If you can't insert key, tighten nut slightly until you can insert key.
