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What to do with the grey trim?


Active Member
March 22, 2010
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03 Sport Trac XLT 4x4
Alrite, I need your guys help on this one...Everyone I talk to claims that I can't paint the trim black because it will crack...and that Rhino Liner will also fall off...
So is there anything I can do to get this horrid grey trim off?...lol

*You guys are the experts and I appreciate your help!Thanks!

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you can paint it just have to sand all the texture out until it is smooth. start with 180 and work up to 320 grit sand paper. it is a pain to do unless you have big enough ompressor and a d/a sander. once sanded till completely smooth then spray light coat of adhesion promotor. i use bully dog sold at oriely's. a light coat just enought to cover it but not run. then after it dries for like 30 minutes spray it with some high build 2k primer. about 3 good coats. let dry few hours and sand with 320 to knock it down then 600 until completely smooth. then paint with regular two stage base/ clear automotive paint and you have a paint to match or whatever plastic. credibility i used to own custom body shop and a painter at a auto collision shop. done this numerous times. old truck the complete interior was smoothed and painted

Is it the fade you hate or just the gray?

If you want to paint it, use Krylon Fusion paint. Wal-Mart has it. It is made for plastic and won't crack. Several months ago I used it on the flares on my daughter's Jeep on the advice of another Jeeper and it's worked like a charm. Just rub them down well with actone, mask them off, and spray away.

i did mine black with krylon fusion flat and a semi flat clear



Is it the fade you hate or just the gray?

Idk both i guess.:D...I'm trying to darken out my track, I plan on getting black wheels for it, and i think it would look a lot better with black trim...

Also thanks for the advice everyone!:thumbsup:...

I've used Krylon Fusion on part of my console and it worked well...So i think I'll use that on the trim also, if i can find time...lol

Yes you can paint it. This is my wifes truck. I smoothed all the texture sealed and painted it with Dupont paint. Factory yellow with some pearl in it.


Ok, I was going to Post this today as Urgent cause tomorrow the shop that is doing the painting for my fender will do this trims as part of the Job and the ask me to gave them the color Code for Tomorrow morning so they can paint it same day, this is the color that am interested in to provide them so they can paint it, I need this ASAP for tomorrow, THANKS GUYS.


Jesus your color code is on the vehicle certification sticker on the door. Or are you wanting the black color code? IDK since it's not painted originally.
Semi-gloss black, frame black, somebody.............

Bayou, that's a beauty!

Jesus your color code is on the vehicle certification sticker on the door. Or are you wanting the black color code? IDK since it's not painted originally.
Semi-gloss black, frame black, somebody.............

Bayou, that's a beauty!

Yeah is the trim color what i need,

it doesnt have a color code bc it is dyed plastic if they say there is one id tell them f u and take it somewere else any half arsed body shop knows that and if they are gonna paint it in one day id definantly leave it way it is bc the process i explained the right way and way to make it stick and last takes bout two days if they just paint it it will peel and look like crap then ur screweed and out money.

yeah well i went to the shop, they just were confuse about were exactly was the areas, so i show em the pic i posted here, so its basically a flat black a like.

In the process of painting mine. Did the side trim so far. Finishing the front and rear bumpers this weekend. Here some pics


I'll post up finished pics of the front and rear bumpers on monday or so.

Maybe it's just the light but they look like they're not evenly coated, kind of splotchy looking if you know what I mean.

The sun was on the passenger side but the paint has a rough texture to it as well.

The shop told me that my truck will get out of tomorrow, as son as i get it I will post pics of before and after

Heres the befores and afters of the front and rear bumpers













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Looks good man.
