What was your favorite class(es) in HIGH SCHOOL? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What was your favorite class(es) in HIGH SCHOOL?


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September 29, 2001
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Vancouver B.C, Canada
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1992 XL Ex-Police
Since Al started two on college..I figured HS needed a poll also;)

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the class was 'non calculus based' so it was dumbed down and fun ~ and the teacher was awesome

we got to shoot stuff and blow stuff up alot

TA (teachers assistant); all we did (the 4 dean TA's) is walk around campus and pull people out of class, torturing them on the way into the office, and sometimes, alot of the freshmen busted out crying because they got detentions. :p

I admit that's just wrong, but when you're senior and TA, high school takes a whole 'nother meaning. :)

I liked trig. I love math, and after I get out of the Navy, I want to be a math teacher.

Carpentry! i love that class.

All of them! Being surrounded by teenage girls in mini-skirts all day long. What more can you ask for? :D

I strongly agree with X Factor, I didn't have a favorite because I was too busy thinking about all the hot girls in little shorts, and what they looked like without.......oh my b. Yea, prob. the girls

well im still in high school and i like my off period

Advanced Chemistry, it was the teachers first year teaching, and we were the most advanced science class, so he basically let us screw off and do whatever we wanted, I learned to play pitch in that class, and on top of that it was weighted so an A in there counted for 5.0 on my gpa

I can't say just one was my favorite.

Band, Chior, Music Theory, Chemistry, Gym

Band, Chior, and Music theory had all the hot chicks in them, and I was good at it.

Gym and auto body repair classes. They were awesome!!! Our class in autobody actually bondoed the whole 1980's Chevy Silverado. It's funny!!

Also, that's how I learned how to paint my trims and stuff and also detailing. I learned the most from that class.

EDIT: I also loved my Honor's Chemistry class. I got to be in a class with a room full of cheerleaders. They're soooo fun to be with (they know me b/c my ex g/f was the captain of the cheerleading squad). And the teacher...HOT!!! :p

Woodshop for certain. Or maybe intro to technology...it was part woodworking, part small engine repair, part drafting, and part metal shop. But I like wood working best. Actually maybe even Spanish 2, it was kind of hard and I didn't do well in the class, but the teacher was drop dead gorgeous!!!

Teacher's Assistant was the best but as for a real class, Physics was my favorite because the teacher was awsome.

Originally posted by draft
TA (teachers assistant); all we did (the 4 dean TA's) is walk around campus and pull people out of class, torturing them on the way into the office, and sometimes, alot of the freshmen busted out crying because they got detentions. :p

I admit that's just wrong, but when you're senior and TA, high school takes a whole 'nother meaning. :)

At my school we didn't call this position a TA, we called it a brown noser.


...definitely autoshop

that and guitar class. learning classical guitar was one of the best things i could have done

A Wise Guy, I was thinking the exact same thing! But some of them were cool. When I would cut class I would tell them to erase my name from being absent.

PE, Wood shop and Algebra. Our algebra teacher was a disco freak and a total nerd. But really cool and and a good teacher. If the class did well at the end of the year he would bust out the disco ball (the one with all the mirrors). Turn the lights off and turn the strobe lights on and would do some disco moves for us in his white suit, just like John Travolta. A very cool geek he was!!!

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Architecture/CAD was a cool and fun class. Got to draw houses on big drafting tables and learn to use AutoCAD. The teacher was a little messed up though. When he retired the year after I took the class they found a bunch of alcohol bottles behind his desk.
I also enjoyed my history classes, they were fun and interesting and the teachers were great. Latin 1 & 2 were also very cool classes. The teacher was in a very popular local band and he was always taking us on fieldtrips for rewarding us.

I took auto mechanics thinking it would be a sweet class but it turned out I knew way more than the teacher and he quit to become an assistant principle of another school halfway through the class. We basically did nothing for the rest of the year except watch movies with a sub.
