What's for dinner? | Page 115 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What's for dinner?

Cut up a spiral ham to package and freeze, had sprouting potatoes to use up, so made ham potato soup…


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Needed to use up some zucchini, so ran across this recipe online, Squash Stuffing Casserole, so used the zucchini in place of the yellow.

I rarely have any squash on hand, so who knows if I will make it soon. Interesting, and a nice change from anything I typically make with squash. Very onion forward, but I did not use a very small onion.


Pepper jack fajita meat enchiladas, Old El Paso box Spanish rice, mashed black beans with garlic and lime…


Ginger orange soy boneless chicken thighs with roasted green beans, seasoned with salt, pepper, and Mrs. Dash Everything But the Bagel seasoning

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Day off. 7”+ snow outside to shovel. Might as well use up some leftovers to make chicken noodle soup with lime…

Coincidentally, home made chicken soup for me, and a nice egg bacon and cheese tortilla wrap.

Sheet pan marinaded top sirloin chunks, asparagus, and Yukon Gold potatoes..,

Adult beverages, with two beef enchilada dinner to go. Tapatio dabs on top…

Tater tot casserole…


Beef, bean, rice burro with pork green chile on top, with tater tots on side

Snowing, zero degrees out, and with wind chill, feels like -18*, so made my version of the Three Packet Roast, with white rice…


Leftover baked chicken thighs didn’t sound good, so made potater soup…

Leftover beef taco, with some canned black beans mashed with garlic powder, salt, and a bit of water…


Big Caesar salad with meat and tomatoes added in. (and Easter candy that was 50% off, LOL) Eating light cuz we broke a temperature record yesterday and today - was 89 yesterday and 84 today. Then back to normal temps. Wouldn't have guessed it!

Three item combo plate. Beef taco, beef enchilada, beef and bean burrito, rice, and beans…


Porterhouse steak, baked potato, corn…


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$6.99/lb for Select grade… works for me 👍
