Wanted - Wheel center cap/Hub cap | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted Wheel center cap/Hub cap

Parts or services wanted


Well-Known Member
March 3, 2010
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City, State
in the mud & sticks-Hillsboro, Wisconsin
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Eddie Bauer
I'm missing one hub cap. Does anyone have one they can part with? Bought these wheels for my 2nd gen and only had 3. I believe they were '01-'05 Sport Tracs.



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Didn't see this specific one on there Si. Unless I missed it? The other ones they have are a lil pricey. So maybe the one I found on ebay for $25 (used) would be the best deal. Thanks for the help Si. :thumbsup:

nope, my wheel is the "50-4558" listed there. But they don't sell that center cap from the looks of it and in that pic it's just plain black, no Ford emblem. :(
