wheel spacers... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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wheel spacers...


Active Member
December 10, 2008
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02 XLT V8
Hello all, i want to buy some wheel spacers for my 02 XLT... Though i do not want to have to trim or cut the stock bolts just in case i ever want to take the adapters off... or go to aftermarket rims...

So how wide of a wheel adapter do i need in order to clear the stock lug bolts??? 1.25" 1.5" ???


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i have 2 inch spacers

I take it with the 2 inch spacers you did not have to trim the bolts at all... Anyone tried 1",1.25" or 1.5" spacers on a third gen????

I really don't want to sit outside (at 20F) take the wheel off and measure the studs....


i have 2 inch spacers

im running 1.5 spacers with no cutting..

1.5 is the smallest you can go without cutting down the wheel studs

Thanks for the info...I was hoping to go for a bit smaller but i really don't want to cut the studs....

Do you have any pictures???

im running 1.5 spacers with no cutting..

1.5 is the smallest you can go without cutting down the wheel studs

stock tires (body lift)


and heres one with my 33's

If you have the 17" rims, you can run any size spacer/hub adapter you want - the factory 17s have a recess next to each wheel stud hole that will take the excess stud length holding the adapter on.

Factory 16s do not have this recess, so 1.5" is the minimum you can use with cutting the stud or drilling the rim.

Great pictures, I was also wondering about spacers but I wanted to go with 1" or 1.25", sucks I cant without cutting. I guess I will go with 1.5" as well

Great pictures, I was also wondering about spacers but I wanted to go with 1" or 1.25", sucks I cant without cutting. I guess I will go with 1.5" as well

I have 1.5" spacers on factory 16s, and the edge of the tyre is equal with the edge of the guard - so entirely legal. 2" spacers would be illegal here as the tyre would stick out too far.

If you have the 17" rims, you can run any size spacer/hub adapter you want - the factory 17s have a recess next to each wheel stud hole that will take the excess stud length holding the adapter on.

Factory 16s do not have this recess, so 1.5" is the minimum you can use with cutting the stud or drilling the rim.

:biggthump What he said. I just installed Eibach 30mm spacers (+- 1.25") and had no problems. I'm running the stock 17's which have the recess as he stated...

Thanks so much for all the information guys... Unfortunately i have the 16" rims and i want to offset them till and if i get aftermarket rims...

Thanks for the pictures "guitarfrk741" the 1.5 looks very nice of the Mountaineer...

:biggthump What he said. I just installed Eibach 30mm spacers (+- 1.25") and had no problems. I'm running the stock 17's which have the recess as he stated...

So on the explorer 1.5" you have sit flush with the body... But on the Mountaineer in the picture the stick out a bit...

So the two cars a different??? I want mine to stick out of the body a bit...

I have 1.5" spacers on factory 16s, and the edge of the tyre is equal with the edge of the guard - so entirely legal. 2" spacers would be illegal here as the tyre would stick out too far.

ok so i have 2'' spacers and its not to much

it doesnt effect the wair on my x

so i guess to each is own

So on the explorer 1.5" you have sit flush with the body... But on the Mountaineer in the picture the stick out a bit...

So the two cars a different??? I want mine to stick out of the body a bit...

1) my mounty doesnt have fender flares
2) in the last pic they do stick out a little but thats bc i have wider than stoock tires too..

when i had the spacers on (1.5") and stock tires it was flush or damn close to it

I like when the front wheels stick out a little wider then the back thats why i got 2''

i got 1.5 inch spacers. do you guys think i should be ok towing a 5x8 enclosed trailer 600 miles round trip?

I don't see why you would have and issues chris. I tow a car trailer with a pro street on it with my wheel spacers. that should way more then your enclosed unless your hallin iron.

also ill hit up the yard once I get my mountaineer back or a day I can get off work but another trip will be done asap


note the 2inch spacers

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I don't see why you would have and issues chris. I tow a car trailer with a pro street on it with my wheel spacers. that should way more then your enclosed unless your hallin iron.

also ill hit up the yard once I get my mountaineer back or a day I can get off work but another trip will be done asap

Sweet thanks for the reply helps out.

