wheelin on the 20th in uwharrie n.c. | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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wheelin on the 20th in uwharrie n.c.

weeeeal then looks like i will be a loaner on this trip, i wish i lived somewhere near moab then maybe i could have more members to party with wheelin is sweet but not when your alone. anyway hope everything turns out fellas and maybe next time you guys can go. have a good one. bye

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i'll be there just no camping no rain for me.

ok, i when there, after a few late night phone calls from jeephater#1 who rolled his x over one daniel while he was up there by himself. after a ery late start i got to ure, i found out that my phone doesnt have any service up there at all. i never did find jeephater#1 at the outpost so m e and the wife ran wolfs den to dutch john, saw mill, slab pile and rockey mountain loop. before calling it a day. I did rocky mountain loop without 4 wheel drive. I lost it on dutch john. my clutch now will not engage. No damage or pics due to a camera with out a charged battery.

he rolled over on daniel? How the hell did he manage to pull that one off?

damn i hope he got pictures

dont know the wife was being slow so i missed meeting him at the outpost to even see the damage.

Zhanx, you see more action than a Chinese who......restuarant.

well ive heard stories from a few other NC wheelers that say there was a recovery effort friday evening on falls dam for an exploder that flopped due to a drunk driver. (not saying this was jeephater by any means) but im just trying to put 2 and 2 together here.

Limited Ex said:
Zhanx, you see more action than a Chinese who......restuarant.

dont get it.

I need more warning, looks like I missed this trip but I would like to come and join in sometime. if you guys don't mind a little 88 Ranger with 38s riding along.

zhanx said:
dont get it.

Just an attempt to reference that every time, from what I have experienced anyhow, you go wheeling, SOMETHING happens :p The first time I ever went wheeling with you, I almost rolled my explorer and left my back glass there :D Second time, your fan quit then your alt. took a dump too :( And now you say you are having problems with your clutch, and Jeephater rolled his Ex. :eek:

You army guys are so hardcore extreme!! :p

you forgot about my transfer clutch not disengaging and the resulting issues with that. But i've gone on a few day trip to URE for fun and had nothing happen.

well i managed that rollover by a broken tierod end, i was not the drunk guy who really messed his ex up and i left at about 10 am, after i was supposed to meet zanx at 9'00 sharp, i was also not alone i had a few other fourwheelers rideing i was just the only ex and i probally would not have rolled it if i hadn't pushed it so hard as to break the tie rod end trying to get to a girl on a wheeler who rolloed down daniel. and zanx i really app. the help over the phone and the advice on the tie rod but if you couldn't make it at the time specified there are payphones at every gas station i know of not to mention i never heard from you the next day when i called. i am now cutting this rig up to make a badass trail rig so i will be back it just takes time till then i'll wish you all happy trails and good luck!

so what exactly happened with the rollover? Where was it on daniel? How bad was the roll? Got any pics?
