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which safari rack

Blue Steel

Well-Known Member
March 19, 2001
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Wilmington, NC
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Explorer '97 XLT SOHC
does anyone have any experiences with con-ferr or garvin roof racks for the explorer? i am thinking of those and i have the factory roof rack. any good/bad comments would be appreciated.

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I have a SURCO...


I bought mine from Performance Products along with a Spare tire carrier and a set of light brackets. It is made of aluminum and is very light. It is also tough. I hit the corner on a tree limb pretty hard and there was no damage. It only took me an hour to put it togeather and mount it by myself. My $.02


hey splash ....what are the deminsions (spell check) of your roofrack?


I got the 40"x50" rack because I have lights already mounted to my roof rack and I wanted to keep them there. I think there are three different sizes for the XLT. I will post the different sizes after I get home and look at the cataloge.

2 sizes for 91 -99 4DR

The two sizes are 40x50 $153.90 and 45x50 $157.50 (these two also fit the Sport for the same years). You have to purchase a bracket set to mount to stock roof rails for $42.50.

On a side note they have them for the '00 Explorers both XLT and Sport which are the 45x50 size.
They now have them for the '01 and '02, but I gave my new catalog away so I don't have the sizes or prices handy.

There are three main accessories...
Light mounting brackets $26.80 PR
Spare tire carrier $63.35 EA
Axe & Shovel carrier $58.35 EA
I think you can also order a hanger for a Hi-Lift jack.

Hope this helps.

splashman, for the light brackets, can you mount them anywhere, or do they have to be in a specific place. i want to mount lights on very near the corners of the roof rack. would the light brackets allow me to do this?


Here is a side view.

Here is a back view. These are the best pictures I have, but you can use the brackets on either the upper or lower rails and you could even mount them flush(up and down) if you wanted. Also keep in mind that I have the 40x50. If you get the 45x50 you will be 5" wider. I just didn't like the look of the wider one and I like the fact that it doesn't stick out from the side of my X. I have my spare BFG M/T 31 mounted up there and there is still room in front of it and a little on each side of it.

awesome. thanks splashman
