Who here knows how to drive a stick shift? | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Who here knows how to drive a stick shift?

Can you drive a stick shift?

  • Yes

    Votes: 251 94.4%
  • No

    Votes: 15 5.6%

  • Total voters
2 things. Yes, I drive manual transmission, from a 3 speed column with worn out/missing bushings, several 4 and 5 speeds, and a 13 speed Eaton. Secondly, the only Autos in my household belong to my wife... ( The 94 "X" is on borrowed time, 224,000 mile A4LD and the 98 Mounty has a ZF waiting for it.... 217,000 {hurry up and crap all ready, stupid 4re44})
Our 4 kids can all drive a manual, including the 40" tall 8 year old, who allready has an 84 BII.....

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Yes. I learned on a International Farm Tractor in 89 that was old as I was. Then I upgraded to a new John Deere that actually had a foot throttle instead of hand throttle. Learned how to drive big trucks, love a Fuller Eaton. Split rears, clutch, no clutch. Have owned at least one manual tranny vehicle up until last summer since the early 90's.

I love driving a manual. I don't own one but I want one though! I have drove two of my brothers 5 speeds. I'm not the best but give me a couple drives to get used to the car and I can pretty much drive it no problem! So much fun!

I can drive one like a pro.

I drove stick shift vehicles for years. I choose to drive automatics now. Sticks get old when you're sitting in heavy traffic.

Heavy hauler:

18 speed with doubler and axle spliter.

72 possible forward gears. :burnout:


My first job I had my boss taught me how to drive a stick in his VW bug. My first car though was an automatic 1972 Chevy Malibu. Since then I've only owned 3 vehicles that had a manual transmission.

I didn't learn how to drive stick until I was 25. I'd been driving for 9 years at that time. Only reason I learned was because I wanted a car with a manual transmission...and I bought my '03 GT then. I couldn't even drive it off the dealership lot yet myself because I didn't know how to yet! LOL

Fun? Yes...depending on the vehicle and conditions. I love driving that car...except when stuck in traffic. The clutch is a bit heavier than most cars, and it's just a stock clutch. Thank goodness I never decided to get a heavier duty clutch. My left leg will be sore within minutes when I'm caught in backed up traffic...which happens fairly regularly on any given weekday evening at rush hour here. I've gotten to the point lately in my "older years" that I don't mind having an automatic in those situations.

But for spirited driving in a fun car...heck yeah...manual all the way. :)

First standard I drove in traffic was a 57' Chevy 150, three on the tree, I was about 13 at the time. The first car I bought when I was 17 was a 67' GTO, with a four speed. Now I have a Mustang with a five speed for relaxation.

I love to row through the gears. Using a clutch in traffic does not bother me. I Was a truck driver for 10 years.

3 in the tree 4,5,6 straight 8...10,13,18 speeds and twin stick.

Learned to drive with a manual gearbox.

My first Explorer was a stick . . .

Manual up until now, I tried automatic of course but I feel like you get better control of your engine on manual transmission.

When I first got my CDL all the big rigs had the brownie gear box, 2 sticks to choose from . Thank God only one clutch.

I've had 2 cars converted from Automatic to Manual... or in other words, 100% of the automatics that I've owned.

I learned to drive stick on my Explorer. So far I'm the only person I know with a manual in one of my vehicles and the only one of two people I know who can drive stick.

Who here knows how to "double-clutch" a manual with non-synchronized 1st. gear, to engage while moving with no gear "clash"? imp

Before i got into american cars, i had never owned an automatic...

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