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Wiring question

I have a 96 E.B Explorer, 4.0 auto trans. I want to hook up a wiring harness for a trailer. I have looked at every posting in the tow forum and still not totally sure. I was under the impression that all of the E.B Exp's had the towing package...and therefore the wiring harness connector. I know it has a tranny cooler, so I'm guessing it does have the towing package. I just can't find the connector if it is in fact up there. I'll take a really hard look when I get home......AGAIN........ but I doubt I'll find it up there. Any ideas?:confused:

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the socket should be right under driver side taillight - check there from underneath... wire loom might be plugged-in and you don't even see it cause it's tangled somewhere near the the spare.

if you have a cooler you sure have the tow package.

take a look... it's got to be somewhere under the bumper... if you have a towing package.

Shifter wiring

im hooking up a backup camera to my sport trac 2007 and i need to hook a wire from the head unit to the reverse wire. was wondering if any body know what wire i thats on the shifter is the reverse wire.

im hooking up a backup camera to my sport trac 2007 and i need to hook a wire from the head unit to the reverse wire. was wondering if any body know what wire i thats on the shifter is the reverse wire.

I don't think you will find that wire on that shifter... wire would be on the transmission loom.

that hardness that plugs into the shifter, should there be a wire for the reverse? how else would it know what postion im in

that hardness that plugs into the shifter, should there be a wire for the reverse? how else would it know what postion im in

that indicator is connected to a lever down, under the dash and moves needle whenever you move the gear selector. Your back-up lights are hooked up to what's called a neutral safety switch that is a part of the transmission range sensor hooked up to the lever on the transmission.

the part number 22, there a wire hardness that attaches to that shifter, there should be a reversing wire there. thats where i was hoping to attach the wire from the radio to. i really dont want to run it out side unless i have to.


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oops! I might be wrong - I was giving you information based on second gen Explorer... sorry. It might be different for you.
