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Wisconsin Wack Job


Explorer Addict
September 27, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
St.Louis - MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Sport/ExpeditionPkg

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I love Wisconsin (my wife is from there), but I hear about these weird stories all the time from the state (can you say "Dahmer"?).

I don't get it. ;)

Wow! That's insane. One gun though? So the other hunters were not armed? I know if I had a gun, I would be trying to fire back.

the guy is from minnesota :D

who goes on a hunting party, with a group, with only one gun? honestly, thats just bad math.

dang! :eek:

That jerk should be ground up into little pieces (like in Fargo) and fed to rats.

Jeesh, now its 6 people, one died in the hospital yesterday :rolleyes:

The shooter claims he was asked to leave and was climbing down when the rest of the group arrived. They started yelling racial slurs and, realizing he was surrounded, he tried to just walk away. As he was doing so, one of the people in the party opened fire in his direction. With the racial slurs and the gunshot, he panicked and returned fire.

Now I don't know if his story is true, and I don't know if I completely believe him, but the guy's a US Vet so I'm more willing to trust his version of events. Well, that and it makes more sense than, "they asked him to leave and he opened fire".

That being said, if I were in the same position surrounded by pissed-off hunters yelling demeaning remarks and one fired as I was walking away, you better believe I'd fire back. Granted, I wouldn't mow down the entire party, but I'd sure as **** fire at whoever was holding a gun.

The guy was Laotion (not that that really has anything to do with anything) and was kicked off the hunting lease. He did not have a hunting license and was trespassing. There are conflicting reports as to who shot first..... but the end result was him walking out of the woods with 6 people dead and 2 wounded.

i have a cabin about 50 miles from where this shooting took place

but keep in mind the weapon that this man from minneapolis used...it was a SKS, a semi-auto assult rifle if im correct....

Wait a minute....he walked away and claims he was being shot at but took time to remove his scope (to acheive faster target aquisition - typical for close range combat) to shoot and kill 6 people? Pre-meditation in my book or at least shows forthought and a lack of probability that he was under fire.

Let's switch it around....if I were being shot at after being verbally attacked with racial slurs, I would duck and cover and then high-tail it out. Also - what happened to the 1 gun issue of his "attackers"? Stupid or not for a group hunting with only 1 firearm, if true, the guy gunned down at least 8 people (killing 6 total) WHO WERE UNARMED including women.

I don't care if he understood the language or was subject to racial slurs, he is NOT the victim here. Fry him. :fire:

Oh, and that's without reading about his criminal record detailing firearm associated domestic abuse and other crimes....

double post...ignore this one...

not to rob the thread, but the SKS isnt really an assault weapon. it only holds about 10 rounds, and is much more of a carbine. Its up to you as to define an assault rifle, but i believe its something that is capable of holding more then 20 rounds and is a full sized rifle.


An SKS is a 1950's war relic. Put me and you 200 yards across from each other in a field, me with an SKS w/30 round mag and you with my old Ruger bolt action 270 with scope and my bets would be on you coming out alive and me having a very large hole somewere in my body. Of course, its a semi-auto so it's automatically deemed an "assault rifle". :rolleyes:

For this situation to be justifiable defense, considering this guy shot 8 people, he would have had to shot the person with the rifle first. Then, one after the other, the others of the group would have to pick the rifle up/get shot/have another of the group pick the rifle up and repeat. I dont really see this happening. If the group was hurling racial slurs at the man, then im sorry that there still are ignorant people in this world, but if 8 of you walk up to me on the street and yell out to me "CRACKER ASS CRACKER!!!" im not going to open fire on you. IMHO it was murder.

james t said:
IMHO it was murder.

I agree completely, regardless of why he did it, he might have been able to get away with self defense if he'd only killed the armed guy. I'm sure his defense will be that he didn't realize the other people were un-armed. (Surrounded by hunters, wouldn't you think everyone was armed?) But regardless, he mowed down half a dozen people. There's no excuse for it, he's guilty and deserves to fry. (But I still believe his story more than theirs.)

sberkel said:
I don't care if he understood the language or was subject to racial slurs, he is NOT the victim here. Fry him. :fire:

I concur, freaking whacko!

I heard that he even shot several of the vicitms in the back as they attempted to run away. If that doesn't indicate his guilt, then frankly I don't know what will. He killed a 20 year old with his girlfriend as well as the gf's father...pretty sick crap. I hope he gets the death penalty...but he probably won't. They will probably end up blaming the victims because the Laotian claimed that he was "verbally assaulted" with racial epithets. Give me a break. :rolleyes: :thumbdwn:

drivehard said:
who goes on a hunting party, with a group, with only one gun? honestly, thats just bad math.

I guess they weren't expecting to have to defend themselves, deer don't often fight back, as far as I know anyways.

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