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Women Drivers

So I was watching tv around 9:30 last Friday night. The volume on the HT is up so I don't hear anything but the dogs let me know something is going on out front.

I look out a window and see headlights pointed at a house. Said headlights should not be able to be at the angle they are......

One of the neighbor's friends parked their minivan in the front yard. Against a tree.

She backs out of the yard. The front bumper is barely hanging on the right corner. She rips it off and throws it in the back.

At this point I don't know if she was trying to leave or just park it but she backs up and pulls forward several times to get it something approximating close to the curb. You can see why she couldn't steer in the pics....





I have no idea how someone does this. She must have been hammered and though the driveway was on the other side of the house??

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Would hate to wake up and see that with a hangover.:banghead: She must have been hammered to screw up the steering like that. At least she didn't hurt anyone, maybe now she will think twice next time.

And if she wasn't drunk then I'm speechless.

If it weren't for that tree, I think she would have been in your house!

dang isnt that a honda oddysey

f*ckin drunk drivers

That's not my house but yeah she'd be in it if it wasn't for the trees.

The story now is she thought it was in park but it was in neutral and rolled.

Complete BS. The road curves to the right slightly and the car would have had to make a very sharp left.

you know this reminds me of something that happened a few weeks ago this story needs to be set up right
i'm in the mountains i was at a party with limited parking so i was parked on the side of the driveway and its a steep driveway so i have my wheels turned out and i'm facing down the hill. well people start leaving and i'm outside next to the bonfire thankfully i can see my explorer (when i'm at events like these i keep it close if i can) this girl starts backing her toyota or honda down the hill (she wasn't smart enough to turn around when there weren't cars everywhere) i was thinking "she's kinda close to my truck" then i heard the noise. she freaked out and started gunning her gas forward and backward but her car wouldn't move i was freaking out cause she was stuck on my X. she had backed into my front tire and her rear fender popped in and back out past the tire with my tire inside her wheel well. so i ran down there and took control of the situation commanding her of what to do i straightened my wheels and tried to direct her away from my truck. she could not handle instructions very well either so i just told her "stop everything you are doing, sit still" i got out of my truck and took over her car and drove up the hill and turned around for her with no problem. no damage to my truck:exp: but :bsnicker:her bumper was messed up a little bit.

you know this reminds me of something that happened a few weeks ago this story needs to be set up right

I guess I'll hijack my own thread.

I graduated from your "rival" WCU and that reminds me of a story.

I was at a frat party. Bigass hill up to the frat house, driveway curved to the right and there is room to park there at the curve. I'm parked nose down. A brother parks perpendicular to me along the driveway. Randomly we both happen to drive red 5 spd 2 doors.

He goes to leave and can't get any traction in the dirt. Yes he has a 2wd. He finds me as we are walking back down to the trucks some dumbass in a 5 spd maxima or something doesn't know how to start on a hill apparently. That guy rolls back into his truck and his rear bumper hits my tire.

I get out my maglite and there is no damage to any vehicle. One of my friends has taken a pic of his license plate anyway.

That guy ends up having four random people push his car uphill while he lets off the clutch.

I throw it in 4Low, back up the hill and then the frat brother can get out.

i have about 200 lbs of cinderblocks in the back of my X as well as my amp & subs/boxes
that definitely helps me keep traction i had twice the cinderblocks and couldn't even spin on wet pavement so i got rid of half

I was at an RC race last summer during track prep. The cars in the lot were parked in 3 parallel rows, with another racer's 2006 Chevy company work van parked a few lengths in front of my 94 Explorer in the middle row. The van's engine was running and the guy's 5 year old son was in the drivers seat with the radio on. We were on the track about 50 feet away in a small group watching and laughing about the cute kid bouncing around to the music and pretending to be driving. One of the racers said "it'd be pretty bad if he put it in gear", and just as he finished the sentence the van started to roll backwards. Running and yelling commenced, the van picked up speed, and was stopped shortly by my Explorer. Crying kid, apologetic dad, but we all had a good laugh later. The only damage was my license plate being folded up and the Chevy's rear bumper getting bent up.
