Would you install this BW4406? Pics | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Would you install this BW4406? Pics

my pos mounty

Explorer Addict
September 15, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Land of Corruption
Year, Model & Trim Level
06 F-350
Well, I have my AWD case out, clearanced the floor, driveshafts at the ready, gas tank bracket redesigned and bent out of the way. I cleaned the flange on the transmission, then I clean the transfercase. Heres what I found. :rolleyes: Keep in mind that these cracks are on the bottom of the case and the rest of the case looks pristine.
I am having trouble posting pics, so forgive the use of links but this is the only way to be sure that anyone would see anything.




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Umm, no linky?

Its kind of hard to gauge the severity of the problem from the pics. And unfortunately, the casting process of the casing often leaves traces of "spider webs" that look like cracks. But I'd maybe take a medium sized hammer to it and see if it buckles.

Thank you IZWACK, I will give that a try.
If it moves its going back to the JY, they have 2 more anyway, plus they gave me the wrong rear driveshaft. Right length, but its a F250 or F350 driveshaft and is wider at the flange. Judging by what I have seen in pics that others have taken, it is a tight squeeze at the front of the rear shaft. If the case is ok, I am going to try this driveshaft.
Thanks again

I'd return it and get another one. If you paid for a quality used one then you should expect one without damage. That gouge on the last pic on the left hand side don't look so good.

Sorry about the delay in answering this, but life got in the way.
I returned the transfercase. The Junkyard looked it over and agreed that it must have taken a hit and that they had missed it for some reason. Some of those "spidewebs" were from the casting, but the longest one was indeed a crack in the case.
Now off to go put this bad boy in.
