You know your a College studen when..... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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You know your a College studen when.....


December 2, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Chandler, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XLT
10. You have yet to turn off your computer for at least 3 months, lest someone miss your Pulitzer winning away messages, such as "What if the Hokey Pokey is REALLY what its all about?"
9. You have found that your standard of living has reduced significantly. Clothes formerly categorized as 'dirty' now require sub-categories like 'still smells like beer but okay to wear to class' or 'reeks like thrown-up sushi: gym-use only'.
8. Going to class at 11 is no longer 'awesome', as it appears from high school, but is rather very early, very annoying and recognizable by extensive complaints. "What are we, on a farm? Why the hell is it so early? Are there rustic outdoor chores to be done?" The crack of dawn has hence been pushed forward to 10 a.m.
7. You are now a NASA certified astronaut, having mastered the art of powdered/dried food preparation, sleep deprivation, and pissing in unique and unknown circumstances.
6. Your Brita filter is filled to the brim with Vlady's, as a result of last night's effort to filter the cheap vodka into a liquid less similar to chlorine.
5. Overheard bits of conversation around campus such as "...then I boiled it in a POT for like..." perk you up immediately.
4. You've made a small fortune in a quick, easy, and socially conscious manner... but have no plasma left to enjoy it.
3. The police no longer represent an authoritative entity dedicated to public service and safety, but are rather recognized in drunken hazes as "Its the f***in po!", "Arrest me pu**y", and "You f***in po!".
2. As a female, your main preocupation is breast amplification. As a male, your sole preocupation is capitalizing on said amplification.
1. Words like "major", "career", and "the real world" induce a primordial reaction, causing severe anxiety, distress, and self-doubt. Antidote found only in metal cans pagacked in half-dozen quantities.

From CollegeHumor

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Chew_12 said:
8. Going to class at 11 is no longer 'awesome', as it appears from high school, but is rather very early, very annoying and recognizable by extensive complaints. "What are we, on a farm? Why the hell is it so early? Are there rustic outdoor chores to be done?" The crack of dawn has hence been pushed forward to 10 a.m.

6. Your Brita filter is filled to the brim with Vlady's, as a result of last night's effort to filter the cheap vodka into a liquid less similar to chlorine.

I have 9:45s on T and R (as opposed to 4:15s M and W; F's are off!) and cannot stand waking up for them. I'd give my right arm for an 11. Pretty pathetic for an 8th semester senior, eh? No way. :D

As for ole Vlad, talk about bringing back Freshman memories. That stuff was absolutely putrid. Sacrificing taste for proce, I suppose. :eek:

Nice :D AHHhhhhh flashes of the early years!!! Wish I could still party like a Freshman :bounce: :bounce: Funny ya mention 11's ...that is my early class. Matter a fact it's 1:43am now...guess I should get started on that paper that's due tomorrow :p

Matt : your up in Flag ? I'll Be headed to NAU in the fall to finish up my M.A.

Yea Im in Flag...What are you getting your M.A. In? Number 9 is my favorite

Ah man all of that is so true, my plasma is none exsistant :eek: I have a 9:45 on T R and HATE getting up for it, hell most of the time I miss my 11:15 on M W but no friday classes !!

My gosh you guys are lazy! I have 8 am classes or work every day except the weekends.!

i have physics at 8am everyday also!

...its 3:54AM and you're taking a break from doing a midterm paper and have no plans on going to sleep and are running on about 10 servings of espresso :eek:

# 2 !!! Skin is in :bounce: :bounce: ...and out here at San Diego State, that be...all year round :D :D :D Man..I really don't think it's possible for skirts to gEt any shorter! and the whole g-string hangin out the back fad ? I mean yuMMy, but then they get all mad and offended when guys gauk, yell, or honk. Cmon I'm not one of those guys but...what do they expect...wearing legs with a jean skirt and cheeks hangin out, knee high uggs, and half a t-shirt !!!

Matt: M.A. in anthropology...emph in SW archaeology.
